Hululer (to hoot) conjugation

11 examples

Conjugation of hululer

Present tense
I hoot
tu hulules
you hoot
il/elle/on hulule
he/she/it hoots
nous hululons
we hoot
vous hululez
you all hoot
ils/elles hululent
they hoot
Present perfect tense
j’ai hululé
I hooted
tu as hululé
you hooted
il/elle/on a hululé
he/she/it hooted
nous avons hululé
we hooted
vous avez hululé
you all hooted
ils/elles ont hululé
they hooted
Past impf. tense
I was hooting
tu hululais
you were hooting
il/elle/on hululait
he/she/it was hooting
nous hululions
we were hooting
vous hululiez
you all were hooting
ils/elles hululaient
they were hooting
Future tense
I will hoot
tu hululeras
you will hoot
il/elle/on hululera
he/she/it will hoot
nous hululerons
we will hoot
vous hululerez
you all will hoot
ils/elles hululeront
they will hoot
Past perfect tense
j’avais hululé
I had hooted
tu avais hululé
you had hooted
il/elle/on avait hululé
he/she/it had hooted
nous avions hululé
we had hooted
vous aviez hululé
you all had hooted
ils/elles avaient hululé
they had hooted
Past preterite tense
I hooted
tu hululas
you hooted
il/elle/on hulula
he/she/it hooted
nous hululâmes
we hooted
vous hululâtes
you all hooted
ils/elles hululèrent
they hooted
Past anterior tense
j’eus hululé
I had hooted
tu eus hululé
you had hooted
il/elle/on eut hululé
he/she/it had hooted
nous eûmes hululé
we had hooted
vous eûtes hululé
you all had hooted
ils/elles eurent hululé
they had hooted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai hululé
I will have hooted
tu auras hululé
you will have hooted
il/elle/on aura hululé
he/she/it will have hooted
nous aurons hululé
we will have hooted
vous aurez hululé
you all will have hooted
ils/elles auront hululé
they will have hooted
Present subjunctive tense
que j’hulule
that I hoot
que tu hulules
that you hoot
qu’il/elle/on hulule
that he/she/it hoot
que nous hululions
that we hoot
que vous hululiez
that you all hoot
qu’ils/elles hululent
that they hoot
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie hululé
that I have hooted
que tu aies hululé
that you have hooted
qu’il/elle/on ait hululé
that he/she/it have hooted
que nous ayons hululé
that we have hooted
que vous ayez hululé
that you all have hooted
qu’ils/elles aient hululé
that they have hooted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’hululasse
that I would hoot
que tu hululasses
that you would hoot
qu’il/elle/on hululât
that he/she/it would hoot
que nous hululassions
that we would hoot
que vous hululassiez
that you all would hoot
qu’ils/elles hululassent
that they would hoot
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse hululé
that I had hooted
que tu eusses hululé
that you had hooted
qu’il/elle/on eût hululé
that he/she/it had hooted
que nous eussions hululé
that we had hooted
que vous eussiez hululé
that you all had hooted
qu’ils/elles eussent hululé
that they had hooted
Conditional mood
I would hoot
tu hululerais
you would hoot
il/elle/on hululerait
he/she/it would hoot
nous hululerions
we would hoot
vous hululeriez
you all would hoot
ils/elles hululeraient
they would hoot
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais hululé
I would have hooted
tu aurais hululé
you would have hooted
il/elle/on aurait hululé
he/she/it would have hooted
nous aurions hululé
we would have hooted
vous auriez hululé
you all would have hooted
ils/elles auraient hululé
they would have hooted
Imperative mood
let's hoot!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie hululé
have hooted
ayons hululé
let's have hooted
ayez hululé
have hooted

Examples of hululer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Depuis ce matin, tu n'as fait que hululer et piailler.600 pages. You've been nothing but a series of hoots and clicks to me since breakfast.
J'ai entendu un lupus hurler et un nocturnus hululer près du bois.I heard a lupus howl and a nightflyer hoot down by the woods.
On entendait des hiboux gémir, hululer.We heard owls squawking' away, hootin'away.
Ce hibou hulule. hulule et me gardait éveillé.That owl. He hoot and hoot and keep me awake two or three nights.
Elle hulule toujours.Still hootin'.
Il hulule plus désormais. sacrebleu.By George. He ain't hooting now.
La vieille chouette hulule Pour le cygneThe old hootie owl hootie-hoos to the dove
Le hibou hulule N'est-ce pas merveilleux ?The owls hoot, hoot Now ain't that sumpir?
Demy, criez de temps à autre ou plutôt hululez, qu'on soit sûrs de vous trouver.Now, Demme, give a yell every now and then. Better yet, give an owl's hoot. That way, we'll be sure to find you.
Alors, comment tu vas faire avec ton petit compagnon hululant ?So, what're you thinking about that hooting little friend of yours?
Maintenant, imaginez ça au son d'une centaine de hiboux hululant dans les combles.Now, picture doing it to the sound of a hundred owls hooting in the rafters.

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