Insulter (to insult) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of insulter

Present tense
I insult
tu insultes
you insult
il/elle/on insulte
he/she/it insults
nous insultons
we insult
vous insultez
you all insult
ils/elles insultent
they insult
Present perfect tense
j’ai insulté
I insulted
tu as insulté
you insulted
il/elle/on a insulté
he/she/it insulted
nous avons insulté
we insulted
vous avez insulté
you all insulted
ils/elles ont insulté
they insulted
Past impf. tense
I was insulting
tu insultais
you were insulting
il/elle/on insultait
he/she/it was insulting
nous insultions
we were insulting
vous insultiez
you all were insulting
ils/elles insultaient
they were insulting
Future tense
I will insult
tu insulteras
you will insult
il/elle/on insultera
he/she/it will insult
nous insulterons
we will insult
vous insulterez
you all will insult
ils/elles insulteront
they will insult
Past perfect tense
j’avais insulté
I had insulted
tu avais insulté
you had insulted
il/elle/on avait insulté
he/she/it had insulted
nous avions insulté
we had insulted
vous aviez insulté
you all had insulted
ils/elles avaient insulté
they had insulted
Past preterite tense
I insulted
tu insultas
you insulted
il/elle/on insulta
he/she/it insulted
nous insultâmes
we insulted
vous insultâtes
you all insulted
ils/elles insultèrent
they insulted
Past anterior tense
j’eus insulté
I had insulted
tu eus insulté
you had insulted
il/elle/on eut insulté
he/she/it had insulted
nous eûmes insulté
we had insulted
vous eûtes insulté
you all had insulted
ils/elles eurent insulté
they had insulted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai insulté
I will have insulted
tu auras insulté
you will have insulted
il/elle/on aura insulté
he/she/it will have insulted
nous aurons insulté
we will have insulted
vous aurez insulté
you all will have insulted
ils/elles auront insulté
they will have insulted
Present subjunctive tense
que j’insulte
that I insult
que tu insultes
that you insult
qu’il/elle/on insulte
that he/she/it insult
que nous insultions
that we insult
que vous insultiez
that you all insult
qu’ils/elles insultent
that they insult
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie insulté
that I have insulted
que tu aies insulté
that you have insulted
qu’il/elle/on ait insulté
that he/she/it have insulted
que nous ayons insulté
that we have insulted
que vous ayez insulté
that you all have insulted
qu’ils/elles aient insulté
that they have insulted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’insultasse
that I would insult
que tu insultasses
that you would insult
qu’il/elle/on insultât
that he/she/it would insult
que nous insultassions
that we would insult
que vous insultassiez
that you all would insult
qu’ils/elles insultassent
that they would insult
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse insulté
that I had insulted
que tu eusses insulté
that you had insulted
qu’il/elle/on eût insulté
that he/she/it had insulted
que nous eussions insulté
that we had insulted
que vous eussiez insulté
that you all had insulted
qu’ils/elles eussent insulté
that they had insulted
Conditional mood
I would insult
tu insulterais
you would insult
il/elle/on insulterait
he/she/it would insult
nous insulterions
we would insult
vous insulteriez
you all would insult
ils/elles insulteraient
they would insult
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais insulté
I would have insulted
tu aurais insulté
you would have insulted
il/elle/on aurait insulté
he/she/it would have insulted
nous aurions insulté
we would have insulted
vous auriez insulté
you all would have insulted
ils/elles auraient insulté
they would have insulted
Imperative mood
let's insult!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie insulté
have insulted
ayons insulté
let's have insulted
ayez insulté
have insulted

Examples of insulter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Je ne vous laisserai pas insulter mon mari, il nous reviendra bientôt, à moi et son enfant !""I won't have you insult my husband, he'll return soon to me and his child!"
"Ou vous êtes venus pour m'insulter et nous allons nous battre aux sabres"Either you've come to insult me, and we shall be dueling with swords...
"Quand tu rencontres un film, tu dois passivement l'insulter.""When you meet a girl,you need to passively insult her,"
( cesser d'insulter le Président de la République.)(.. To stop insulting President of the Republic.)
- Arrête d'insulter notre site. Ne modifie plus aucune de nos photos. Et ne change pas notre chanson pour qu'elle ait l'air gay.Well, I want you to stop insulting our website, never print or alter any photos from it, and don't change the lyrics to our first dance song to make it sound gay.
" après que tu aies insulté mon fiancé, que j'aime plus que tout au monde. ""after you insulted my fiancée, who I love more than anything in the world."
"Je frapperai le soleil si elle m'a insulté ."I'd strike the sun if it insulted me.
"Tu as insulté l'honneur de cette dame, Corcoran... dit le Duck. ""'You have insulted the honor of this beautiful woman, Corcoran' said the Duck.
"Vous avez insulté ma femme."-"You have insulted my wife."
"ni insulté.I won't be insulted.
" Avoir une relation sexuelle avec le premier homme engagé sous ton règne serait une insulte envers toi-même mais aussi ... ""To have intercourse with the first man "hired under your reign would be an insult to yourself and also..."
"C'est l'enfer d'être Shady hier, j'ai crié une insulte dégradante à une vieille dame ensuite je lui ai demandé comment elle se sentait d'avoir 80 ans baise une personne agée suce une queue, assieds-toi dessus puis tourne.""It's hell to be Shady. "Yesterday I yelled a degrading insult "at an elderly lady.
"C'est un affront, c'est une insulte!This is impudent, it is an insult!
"Ce procès est une insulte raciste."This trial is a racist insult.
"D'ailleurs, le qualifier d'humain pourrait être une insulte au phylum.""Though calling him human could be construed as an insult to the phylum."
- Ce n'est pas moi, c'est le fauteuil et les Etats-Unis d'Amérique que vous insultez.You didn't insult me. You insulted the chair and the United States of America.
- Depuis mon arrivée, vous me traitez comme un imbécile ou vous m'insultez.Since I've got here, I've been coddled like some half-wit, or straight-out insulted.
- Je suis peut-être un connard, mais... - Ne... m'insultez pas en me disant que c'est la 1re fois.Hey,look,maybe I'm an asshole,but-- do not...insult me by saying this is your first time.
- MacRoberts, je respecte votre fierté quant à ce trou à rats qu'est Tobrouk, mais ne m'insultez pas en me disant que s'il se trouvait sur mon chemin, je ne le pulvériserais pas.- Now, MacRoberts, I respect your pride in this little rat hole you call Tobruk, but don't insult my intelligence by telling me that if it stood in my way I couldn't crush it like that.
- N'insultez pas ceux qui sont restés.Shouldn't insult the ones that stuck around.
" C'était choquant, scandaleux, insultant et j'ai adoré de bout en bout !" Sans issue ! Par quel malheur ?" It was shocking, outrageous, insulting and I loved every minute of it."
"Ashley la Maligne", "Belle Ashely"... je me demande si tu as un surnom insultant pour moi."Smart Ashley," "hot Ashley"... kind of wondering if you have an insulting little nickname like that for me.
- C'est absurde et insultant !That's absurd, and insulting.
- C'est insultant pour les pierres.- That's insulting to rocks.
- C'est insultant, non ? - Très.That's kind of insulting, isn't it?

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