Intituler (to call) conjugation

16 examples

Conjugation of intituler

Present tense
I call
tu intitules
you call
il/elle/on intitule
he/she/it calls
nous intitulons
we call
vous intitulez
you all call
ils/elles intitulent
they call
Present perfect tense
j’ai intitulé
I called
tu as intitulé
you called
il/elle/on a intitulé
he/she/it called
nous avons intitulé
we called
vous avez intitulé
you all called
ils/elles ont intitulé
they called
Past impf. tense
I was calling
tu intitulais
you were calling
il/elle/on intitulait
he/she/it was calling
nous intitulions
we were calling
vous intituliez
you all were calling
ils/elles intitulaient
they were calling
Future tense
I will call
tu intituleras
you will call
il/elle/on intitulera
he/she/it will call
nous intitulerons
we will call
vous intitulerez
you all will call
ils/elles intituleront
they will call
Past perfect tense
j’avais intitulé
I had called
tu avais intitulé
you had called
il/elle/on avait intitulé
he/she/it had called
nous avions intitulé
we had called
vous aviez intitulé
you all had called
ils/elles avaient intitulé
they had called
Past preterite tense
I called
tu intitulas
you called
il/elle/on intitula
he/she/it called
nous intitulâmes
we called
vous intitulâtes
you all called
ils/elles intitulèrent
they called
Past anterior tense
j’eus intitulé
I had called
tu eus intitulé
you had called
il/elle/on eut intitulé
he/she/it had called
nous eûmes intitulé
we had called
vous eûtes intitulé
you all had called
ils/elles eurent intitulé
they had called
Future perfect tense
j’aurai intitulé
I will have called
tu auras intitulé
you will have called
il/elle/on aura intitulé
he/she/it will have called
nous aurons intitulé
we will have called
vous aurez intitulé
you all will have called
ils/elles auront intitulé
they will have called
Present subjunctive tense
que j’intitule
that I call
que tu intitules
that you call
qu’il/elle/on intitule
that he/she/it call
que nous intitulions
that we call
que vous intituliez
that you all call
qu’ils/elles intitulent
that they call
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie intitulé
that I have called
que tu aies intitulé
that you have called
qu’il/elle/on ait intitulé
that he/she/it have called
que nous ayons intitulé
that we have called
que vous ayez intitulé
that you all have called
qu’ils/elles aient intitulé
that they have called
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’intitulasse
that I would call
que tu intitulasses
that you would call
qu’il/elle/on intitulât
that he/she/it would call
que nous intitulassions
that we would call
que vous intitulassiez
that you all would call
qu’ils/elles intitulassent
that they would call
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse intitulé
that I had called
que tu eusses intitulé
that you had called
qu’il/elle/on eût intitulé
that he/she/it had called
que nous eussions intitulé
that we had called
que vous eussiez intitulé
that you all had called
qu’ils/elles eussent intitulé
that they had called
Conditional mood
I would call
tu intitulerais
you would call
il/elle/on intitulerait
he/she/it would call
nous intitulerions
we would call
vous intituleriez
you all would call
ils/elles intituleraient
they would call
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais intitulé
I would have called
tu aurais intitulé
you would have called
il/elle/on aurait intitulé
he/she/it would have called
nous aurions intitulé
we would have called
vous auriez intitulé
you all would have called
ils/elles auraient intitulé
they would have called
Imperative mood
let's call!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie intitulé
have called
ayons intitulé
let's have called
ayez intitulé
have called

Examples of intituler

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Attacher du papier tue-mouches et intituler le tout :We were talking about hanging a roll of fly paper and calling it,
Au début, on voulait l'intituler Le manchot qui avait le cancer des testicules.Originally, we were going to call it The Penguin With Testicular Cancer.
C'est celui-là qu'il aurait dû intituler L'Explorateur en moi.He really should have called that one The Explorer Inside Me.
Elle va s'intituler: "Folles de Jésus ou du cul?"Yeah, it's gonna be called "Bible Thumpers or Bible Humpers?"
Il n'y a encore rien de fait, mais je vais intituler le film A la recherche d'Avery Willard.Right now, you know I'm still in the beginning, I'm calling the film In Search of Avery Willard.
"Jerry Seinfeld est apparu chez David Letterman et au Tonight Show, et il a réalisé un pilote pour NBC intitulé Jerry, qui n'a pas été retenu.""Jerry Seinfeld has appeared on David Letterman and The Tonight Show and he did a pilot for NBC called Jerry that was not picked up."
- Si. Mon père a relié un livre intitulé "Un bébé est né".My dad made in his bindery a book called: "A baby is born."
- Un film intitulé La Fierté de la nation.The motion picture is called Nation's Pride.
A l'aide des informations tirées des notes, et des dessins et du film comme guide, l'Institut de récupération et de restauration a décidé de refaire le film de Tulse Luper, intitulé cette fois "Traits verticaux, Remake".With the information from the notes, and with the drawings and film as a guide, the Institute of Reclamation and Restoration have decided to make Tulse Luper's film again, called this time Vertical Features Remake.
A propos, il y a un livre intitulé: le rajeunissement du vieuxBy the way, there's a book called "rejuvenation of the old man"
"Un remake d'un episode d'Outer Limits intitule 'The Architects of Fear'... Beetlejuice Goes Hawaiian...""One is a remake of an Outer Limits episode called 'The Architects of Fear. '
- Il s'intitule Il Diluvio. - "Le Déluge".- It's called "II Diluvio. " - "The Flood"?
- La deuxième s'intitule Amazon Squad.The second one's called "The Amazon Squad. "
- Ça s'intitule Esclave de la passion.Passion Slave, it's called. What are you doing here, Sally?
Briony Tallis, votre nouveau roman, le 21ème, s'intitule "Expiation".MAN: Briony Tallis, your new novel, your twenty-first, is called Atonement.
Et il allait partout incognito, déjeunait avec les commercants de Kansas City en s'intitulant éleveur ou négociant. Un homme riche et oisif aux manières simples.And he went everywhere unrecognized and lunched with Kansas City shopkeepers and merchants calling himself a cattleman or a commodities investor someone rich and leisured who had the common touch.

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