Mandater (to mandate) conjugation

8 examples

Conjugation of mandater

Present tense
je mandate
I mandate
tu mandates
you mandate
il/elle/on mandate
he/she/it mandates
nous mandatons
we mandate
vous mandatez
you all mandate
ils/elles mandatent
they mandate
Present perfect tense
j’ai mandaté
I mandated
tu as mandaté
you mandated
il/elle/on a mandaté
he/she/it mandated
nous avons mandaté
we mandated
vous avez mandaté
you all mandated
ils/elles ont mandaté
they mandated
Past impf. tense
je mandatais
I was mandating
tu mandatais
you were mandating
il/elle/on mandatait
he/she/it was mandating
nous mandations
we were mandating
vous mandatiez
you all were mandating
ils/elles mandataient
they were mandating
Future tense
je mandaterai
I will mandate
tu mandateras
you will mandate
il/elle/on mandatera
he/she/it will mandate
nous mandaterons
we will mandate
vous mandaterez
you all will mandate
ils/elles mandateront
they will mandate
Past perfect tense
j’avais mandaté
I had mandated
tu avais mandaté
you had mandated
il/elle/on avait mandaté
he/she/it had mandated
nous avions mandaté
we had mandated
vous aviez mandaté
you all had mandated
ils/elles avaient mandaté
they had mandated
Past preterite tense
je mandatai
I mandated
tu mandatas
you mandated
il/elle/on mandata
he/she/it mandated
nous mandatâmes
we mandated
vous mandatâtes
you all mandated
ils/elles mandatèrent
they mandated
Past anterior tense
j’eus mandaté
I had mandated
tu eus mandaté
you had mandated
il/elle/on eut mandaté
he/she/it had mandated
nous eûmes mandaté
we had mandated
vous eûtes mandaté
you all had mandated
ils/elles eurent mandaté
they had mandated
Future perfect tense
j’aurai mandaté
I will have mandated
tu auras mandaté
you will have mandated
il/elle/on aura mandaté
he/she/it will have mandated
nous aurons mandaté
we will have mandated
vous aurez mandaté
you all will have mandated
ils/elles auront mandaté
they will have mandated
Present subjunctive tense
que je mandate
that I mandate
que tu mandates
that you mandate
qu’il/elle/on mandate
that he/she/it mandate
que nous mandations
that we mandate
que vous mandatiez
that you all mandate
qu’ils/elles mandatent
that they mandate
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie mandaté
that I have mandated
que tu aies mandaté
that you have mandated
qu’il/elle/on ait mandaté
that he/she/it have mandated
que nous ayons mandaté
that we have mandated
que vous ayez mandaté
that you all have mandated
qu’ils/elles aient mandaté
that they have mandated
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je mandatasse
that I would mandate
que tu mandatasses
that you would mandate
qu’il/elle/on mandatât
that he/she/it would mandate
que nous mandatassions
that we would mandate
que vous mandatassiez
that you all would mandate
qu’ils/elles mandatassent
that they would mandate
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse mandaté
that I had mandated
que tu eusses mandaté
that you had mandated
qu’il/elle/on eût mandaté
that he/she/it had mandated
que nous eussions mandaté
that we had mandated
que vous eussiez mandaté
that you all had mandated
qu’ils/elles eussent mandaté
that they had mandated
Conditional mood
je mandaterais
I would mandate
tu mandaterais
you would mandate
il/elle/on mandaterait
he/she/it would mandate
nous mandaterions
we would mandate
vous mandateriez
you all would mandate
ils/elles mandateraient
they would mandate
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais mandaté
I would have mandated
tu aurais mandaté
you would have mandated
il/elle/on aurait mandaté
he/she/it would have mandated
nous aurions mandaté
we would have mandated
vous auriez mandaté
you all would have mandated
ils/elles auraient mandaté
they would have mandated
Imperative mood
let's mandate!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie mandaté
have mandated
ayons mandaté
let's have mandated
ayez mandaté
have mandated

Examples of mandater

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
La vérité est que... l'État va mandater une évaluation de deux semaines pour déterminer si Jacob devrait être institutionnalisé.The truth is... the State is going to mandate a two-week evaluation to determine if Jacob should be institutionalized.
Elle autorise un traitement mandaté, mais ne l'exige pas.It allows for mandated treatment, but it doesn't require it.
La loi la plus commune de la nature et de l'Homme consiste à prendre ce qui a été mandaté par Dieu ou par les épées et les flèches que vous commandez.The most common law of nature and of man... is to take what has been mandated by God or by the swords and arrows you command.
Le departement de la défense a mandaté un examen de toute la securité de tous les entrepreneurs d'entreprises privées dans les missiles ballistiques du programme de défense.A few weeks ago, the department of defense mandated a top-to-bottom security review of all private company contractors in the ballistic missile defense program.
Le même boulot depuis 5 ans. Non mandaté par le tribunal.That's not court-mandated.
Matin légalement mandaté pour une bataille de polochon !Legally mandated morning pillow fight time!
Le taux de TVA que l'état du Connecticut mandate.The percentage of sales tax the state of Connecticut mandates.
Peut-être pas aux États-Unis, mais le choix de la clause légale mandate que la Loi Bahamienne régit tous les conflits.Maybe not in the U.S., but the choice of law provision mandates that Bahamian law governs all disputes.

More French verbs


Not found
We have none.


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We have none.

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None found.