Nourrir (to feed) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of nourrir

Present tense
je nourris
I feed
tu nourris
you feed
il/elle/on nourrit
he/she/it feeds
nous nourrissons
we feed
vous nourrissez
you all feed
ils/elles nourrissent
they feed
Present perfect tense
j’ai nourri
I fed
tu as nourri
you fed
il/elle/on a nourri
he/she/it fed
nous avons nourri
we fed
vous avez nourri
you all fed
ils/elles ont nourri
they fed
Past impf. tense
je nourrissais
I was feeding
tu nourrissais
you were feeding
il/elle/on nourrissait
he/she/it was feeding
nous nourrissions
we were feeding
vous nourrissiez
you all were feeding
ils/elles nourrissaient
they were feeding
Future tense
je nourrirai
I will feed
tu nourriras
you will feed
il/elle/on nourrira
he/she/it will feed
nous nourrirons
we will feed
vous nourrirez
you all will feed
ils/elles nourriront
they will feed
Past perfect tense
j’avais nourri
I had fed
tu avais nourri
you had fed
il/elle/on avait nourri
he/she/it had fed
nous avions nourri
we had fed
vous aviez nourri
you all had fed
ils/elles avaient nourri
they had fed
Past preterite tense
je nourris
I fed
tu nourris
you fed
il/elle/on nourrit
he/she/it fed
nous nourrîmes
we fed
vous nourrîtes
you all fed
ils/elles nourrirent
they fed
Past anterior tense
j’eus nourri
I had fed
tu eus nourri
you had fed
il/elle/on eut nourri
he/she/it had fed
nous eûmes nourri
we had fed
vous eûtes nourri
you all had fed
ils/elles eurent nourri
they had fed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai nourri
I will have fed
tu auras nourri
you will have fed
il/elle/on aura nourri
he/she/it will have fed
nous aurons nourri
we will have fed
vous aurez nourri
you all will have fed
ils/elles auront nourri
they will have fed
Present subjunctive tense
que je nourrisse
that I feed
que tu nourrisses
that you feed
qu’il/elle/on nourrisse
that he/she/it feed
que nous nourrissions
that we feed
que vous nourrissiez
that you all feed
qu’ils/elles nourrissent
that they feed
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie nourri
that I have fed
que tu aies nourri
that you have fed
qu’il/elle/on ait nourri
that he/she/it have fed
que nous ayons nourri
that we have fed
que vous ayez nourri
that you all have fed
qu’ils/elles aient nourri
that they have fed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je nourrisse
that I would feed
que tu nourrisses
that you would feed
qu’il/elle/on nourrît
that he/she/it would feed
que nous nourrissions
that we would feed
que vous nourrissiez
that you all would feed
qu’ils/elles nourrissent
that they would feed
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse nourri
that I had fed
que tu eusses nourri
that you had fed
qu’il/elle/on eût nourri
that he/she/it had fed
que nous eussions nourri
that we had fed
que vous eussiez nourri
that you all had fed
qu’ils/elles eussent nourri
that they had fed
Conditional mood
je nourrirais
I would feed
tu nourrirais
you would feed
il/elle/on nourrirait
he/she/it would feed
nous nourririons
we would feed
vous nourririez
you all would feed
ils/elles nourriraient
they would feed
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais nourri
I would have fed
tu aurais nourri
you would have fed
il/elle/on aurait nourri
he/she/it would have fed
nous aurions nourri
we would have fed
vous auriez nourri
you all would have fed
ils/elles auraient nourri
they would have fed
Imperative mood
let's feed!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie nourri
have fed
ayons nourri
let's have fed
ayez nourri
have fed

Examples of nourrir

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
" Ne pas nourrir les mannequins. ""Don't feed the models."
" ne pas nourrir les détenus" ?"do not feed the inmates"?
"Aimant pour se nourrir, se nourrissant pour se reproduire."Loving to feed, feeding to breed.
"Au revoir, et n'oublie pas de nourrir la mule.""Goodbye," said Hank. "And don't forget to feed the mule."
"Avec six enfants à nourrir, la tentation l'a emportée. "Elle a décidé de fabriquer du gin dans sa baignoire "d'après une recette obtenue d'un commis."With six children to feed, temptation got the better of her, so she decided to mix up some gin in her bathtub using a formula she'd gotten from a farmhand, the idea being they'd sell it in town for a profit."
"Elle a nourri le saint, qui a dit aux moines guerriers de déterrer leur trésor pour aider les anges à bâtir les églises.""She fed the saint, which inspired the warrior monks to dig up the stable of a thousand horses and take their treasure to help the angels build the churches."
"Le cœur nourri d'imaginaire"We had fed the heart on fantasies.
"Même un esclave ne pourrait pas travailler, "s'il n'est pas nourri.Even slave labour will revolt... if it isn't fed.
"On ne l'a pas nourri depuis une semaine.""We haven't fed him in a week."
"Parce que nous les avons nourri et protégé ?"Because when they were young we fed and sheltered them?
"...tu les as nourris au bon moment." the right hour you feed them.
"Chaque fois que nos mères nous a nourris le pain...""Every time our mothers feed us bread..."
"Prends un chien, ne prends pas de chien, je ne le promène pas, je ne le nourris pas, je ne le soigne pas.""Get a dog, don't get a dog, I'm not walking it, I'm not feeding it, I'm not picking up after it."
"Si ton ennemi a faim, nourris-le.Thanks. "Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him."
"Si tu me nourris, Seymour"'Cause if you feed me, Seymour
" Ah, nourrissez-moi."Ah, feed me.
"Je produirais de l'eau avec ma magie si vous me nourrissez.""How's this ? I'll produce water with my magic. You just have to feed me."
- "Tout ça pour vous dire que vous nourrissez "un petit bourgeois depuis 12 ans: "Le fils du directeur de l'EDF.All of this is to tell you that you've been feeding... a little rich kid for the past 12 years, the son of the president of The Electric Company.
- Avec quoi vous les nourrissez ?What do you feed it'?
- Ne le nourrissez pas.Don't feed it!
"Aimant pour se nourrir, se nourrissant pour se reproduire."Loving to feed, feeding to breed.
"se nourrissant de leur larmes comme un accroc à l'opium."He blinds the innocent, "feeding off their tears like an opium addict.
"se nourrissant de vertu."...feeding on virtue.
Après tout ce que j'ai fait, c'est comme ça que tu me traites... m'enfermant, me nourrissant comme un animal ?After all I've done, this is how you treat me... locking me up, feeding me like some animal? !
C'est typique chez les poissons des fonds se nourrissant de boue.Think that's typical of most bottom-feeding mud-suckers.

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