Obstruer (to obstruct) conjugation

21 examples

Conjugation of obstruer

Present tense
I obstruct
tu obstrues
you obstruct
il/elle/on obstrue
he/she/it obstructs
nous obstruons
we obstruct
vous obstruez
you all obstruct
ils/elles obstruent
they obstruct
Present perfect tense
j’ai obstrué
I obstructed
tu as obstrué
you obstructed
il/elle/on a obstrué
he/she/it obstructed
nous avons obstrué
we obstructed
vous avez obstrué
you all obstructed
ils/elles ont obstrué
they obstructed
Past impf. tense
I was obstructing
tu obstruais
you were obstructing
il/elle/on obstruait
he/she/it was obstructing
nous obstruions
we were obstructing
vous obstruiez
you all were obstructing
ils/elles obstruaient
they were obstructing
Future tense
I will obstruct
tu obstrueras
you will obstruct
il/elle/on obstruera
he/she/it will obstruct
nous obstruerons
we will obstruct
vous obstruerez
you all will obstruct
ils/elles obstrueront
they will obstruct
Past perfect tense
j’avais obstrué
I had obstructed
tu avais obstrué
you had obstructed
il/elle/on avait obstrué
he/she/it had obstructed
nous avions obstrué
we had obstructed
vous aviez obstrué
you all had obstructed
ils/elles avaient obstrué
they had obstructed
Past preterite tense
I obstructed
tu obstruas
you obstructed
il/elle/on obstrua
he/she/it obstructed
nous obstruâmes
we obstructed
vous obstruâtes
you all obstructed
ils/elles obstruèrent
they obstructed
Past anterior tense
j’eus obstrué
I had obstructed
tu eus obstrué
you had obstructed
il/elle/on eut obstrué
he/she/it had obstructed
nous eûmes obstrué
we had obstructed
vous eûtes obstrué
you all had obstructed
ils/elles eurent obstrué
they had obstructed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai obstrué
I will have obstructed
tu auras obstrué
you will have obstructed
il/elle/on aura obstrué
he/she/it will have obstructed
nous aurons obstrué
we will have obstructed
vous aurez obstrué
you all will have obstructed
ils/elles auront obstrué
they will have obstructed
Present subjunctive tense
que j’obstrue
that I obstruct
que tu obstrues
that you obstruct
qu’il/elle/on obstrue
that he/she/it obstruct
que nous obstruions
that we obstruct
que vous obstruiez
that you all obstruct
qu’ils/elles obstruent
that they obstruct
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie obstrué
that I have obstructed
que tu aies obstrué
that you have obstructed
qu’il/elle/on ait obstrué
that he/she/it have obstructed
que nous ayons obstrué
that we have obstructed
que vous ayez obstrué
that you all have obstructed
qu’ils/elles aient obstrué
that they have obstructed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’obstruasse
that I would obstruct
que tu obstruasses
that you would obstruct
qu’il/elle/on obstruât
that he/she/it would obstruct
que nous obstruassions
that we would obstruct
que vous obstruassiez
that you all would obstruct
qu’ils/elles obstruassent
that they would obstruct
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse obstrué
that I had obstructed
que tu eusses obstrué
that you had obstructed
qu’il/elle/on eût obstrué
that he/she/it had obstructed
que nous eussions obstrué
that we had obstructed
que vous eussiez obstrué
that you all had obstructed
qu’ils/elles eussent obstrué
that they had obstructed
Conditional mood
I would obstruct
tu obstruerais
you would obstruct
il/elle/on obstruerait
he/she/it would obstruct
nous obstruerions
we would obstruct
vous obstrueriez
you all would obstruct
ils/elles obstrueraient
they would obstruct
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais obstrué
I would have obstructed
tu aurais obstrué
you would have obstructed
il/elle/on aurait obstrué
he/she/it would have obstructed
nous aurions obstrué
we would have obstructed
vous auriez obstrué
you all would have obstructed
ils/elles auraient obstrué
they would have obstructed
Imperative mood
let's obstruct!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie obstrué
have obstructed
ayons obstrué
let's have obstructed
ayez obstrué
have obstructed

Examples of obstruer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
La crise est survenue lorsqu'un petit caillot s'est détaché de la masse pour venir obstruer le flux sanguin.Most likely, the seizure was caused when a smaller piece broke away from this mass and obstructed the blood flow somewhere else.
Leur forme tend à obstruer ma compréhension de leur sens réel, s'il y en a un.Their very form tends to obstruct my view of their actual meaning, if such there be.
Puis ça va obstruer le débit du sang dans les poumons.Then it'll obstruct the blood flow to your lungs.
Votre Honeur, la créative Mme Tascioni utilise ce procès pour obstruer mon dossier fédéral.Your Honor, the always-creative Ms. Tascioni is using this suit to obstruct my federal case.
Vous ne désirez pas l'obstruer.You don't want to obstruct it, Doctor.
C'est possible, mais on n'a pas le choix s'il est gravement obstrué.Possibly, but we don't have a choice if he's acutely obstructed.
Il a dû être obstrué par le tissu cicatriciel de l'opération, et avec son entrainement qui augmente la pression sanguine le tissu cicatriciel est prêt a éclater.It must have been obstructed by the scar tissue from the surgery, and what with all his training, increased arterial pressure, looks like that scar tissue's, uh, ready to pop.
J'ai eu un nouveau-né obstrué, un ulcère perforé après 6 unités de sang, et la pression de mon boxeur aphasique vient de chuter en TDM.I've got an obstructed newborn, a perfed ulcer on his sixth unit of blood, and my aphasic boxer just dropped his pressure in CT.
La ligne de mire du tireur était obstrué par la statue.Killer's line of sight was obstructed by the statue.
Le champ de vision est obstrué par un arbre.The view of the kill zone is partially obstructed by that tree.
"Maudit soit celui qui obstrue l'aveugle... qui obstrue le chemin d'un aveugle... qui met un obstacle sur le chemin d'un aveugle.""Cursed be he who obstructs a blind man-- who obstructs a blind man's path-- who puts an obstacle in the path of a blind man."
- "si elle obstrue son chemin".- "if the flower obstructs its path."
Alors, il faut écraser l'innocente fleurette parce qu'elle obstrue le chemin.Then the moment has come to crush the innocent little flower... because the flower obstructs our path.
Ce stupide CD qui pend de son rétroviseur et qui obstrue sa vision.That stupid CD hanging from his rearview mirror, obstructing his vision.
Elle obstrue l'ecoulement sanguin.It's begun to obstruct the outflow from her heart.
Ils ont dit que si vous utilisiez des mégaphones... ou obstruez le passage des gens, vous devez avoir un permis.They said if you use a bullhorn... or obstruct people's walkways, you have to have a permit.
Martha, vous obstruez le trottoir et l'entrée à ce magasin.Martha, you're obstructing the sidewalk and the entrance to that store.
Vous réalisez que vous obstruez l'entrée de la banque ainsi que les sorties d'urgence ?You do realise that you're obstructing people's access and egress from the premises?
- Artère rénale, obstruant le flux sanguin.Renal artery's obstructing the blood flow.
Attendez. Objet obstruant le passage gastrique.Foreign body obstructing the gastric outlet.
Le foulard est descendu jusqu'à l'oesophage, obstruant l'épiglotte.Scarf lodged all the way down the esophagus, obstructing the epiglottis.

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