Opposer (to oppose) conjugation

24 examples

Conjugation of opposer

Present tense
I oppose
tu opposes
you oppose
il/elle/on oppose
he/she/it opposes
nous opposons
we oppose
vous opposez
you all oppose
ils/elles opposent
they oppose
Present perfect tense
j’ai opposé
I opposed
tu as opposé
you opposed
il/elle/on a opposé
he/she/it opposed
nous avons opposé
we opposed
vous avez opposé
you all opposed
ils/elles ont opposé
they opposed
Past impf. tense
I was opposing
tu opposais
you were opposing
il/elle/on opposait
he/she/it was opposing
nous opposions
we were opposing
vous opposiez
you all were opposing
ils/elles opposaient
they were opposing
Future tense
I will oppose
tu opposeras
you will oppose
il/elle/on opposera
he/she/it will oppose
nous opposerons
we will oppose
vous opposerez
you all will oppose
ils/elles opposeront
they will oppose
Past perfect tense
j’avais opposé
I had opposed
tu avais opposé
you had opposed
il/elle/on avait opposé
he/she/it had opposed
nous avions opposé
we had opposed
vous aviez opposé
you all had opposed
ils/elles avaient opposé
they had opposed
Past preterite tense
I opposed
tu opposas
you opposed
il/elle/on opposa
he/she/it opposed
nous opposâmes
we opposed
vous opposâtes
you all opposed
ils/elles opposèrent
they opposed
Past anterior tense
j’eus opposé
I had opposed
tu eus opposé
you had opposed
il/elle/on eut opposé
he/she/it had opposed
nous eûmes opposé
we had opposed
vous eûtes opposé
you all had opposed
ils/elles eurent opposé
they had opposed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai opposé
I will have opposed
tu auras opposé
you will have opposed
il/elle/on aura opposé
he/she/it will have opposed
nous aurons opposé
we will have opposed
vous aurez opposé
you all will have opposed
ils/elles auront opposé
they will have opposed
Present subjunctive tense
que j’oppose
that I oppose
que tu opposes
that you oppose
qu’il/elle/on oppose
that he/she/it oppose
que nous opposions
that we oppose
que vous opposiez
that you all oppose
qu’ils/elles opposent
that they oppose
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie opposé
that I have opposed
que tu aies opposé
that you have opposed
qu’il/elle/on ait opposé
that he/she/it have opposed
que nous ayons opposé
that we have opposed
que vous ayez opposé
that you all have opposed
qu’ils/elles aient opposé
that they have opposed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’opposasse
that I would oppose
que tu opposasses
that you would oppose
qu’il/elle/on opposât
that he/she/it would oppose
que nous opposassions
that we would oppose
que vous opposassiez
that you all would oppose
qu’ils/elles opposassent
that they would oppose
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse opposé
that I had opposed
que tu eusses opposé
that you had opposed
qu’il/elle/on eût opposé
that he/she/it had opposed
que nous eussions opposé
that we had opposed
que vous eussiez opposé
that you all had opposed
qu’ils/elles eussent opposé
that they had opposed
Conditional mood
I would oppose
tu opposerais
you would oppose
il/elle/on opposerait
he/she/it would oppose
nous opposerions
we would oppose
vous opposeriez
you all would oppose
ils/elles opposeraient
they would oppose
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais opposé
I would have opposed
tu aurais opposé
you would have opposed
il/elle/on aurait opposé
he/she/it would have opposed
nous aurions opposé
we would have opposed
vous auriez opposé
you all would have opposed
ils/elles auraient opposé
they would have opposed
Imperative mood
let's oppose!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie opposé
have opposed
ayons opposé
let's have opposed
ayez opposé
have opposed

Examples of opposer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"et doit s'opposer à toute tentative de suppression ou de dénaturation.""and to oppose every attempt to suppress the facts or to distort them."
- Il va s'opposer au mur?- Is he going to oppose the building of the wall?
- Pour moi cela se résume à la puissance d'Etat utilisée contre l'aptitude des gens à s'opposer ouvertement à ce pouvoir.So, for me, it--it all comes down to state power against the people's ability to meaningfully oppose that power.
- Tu vas t'opposer au mariage?You'll oppose the marriage.
"Nouveau ?" À l'opposé de l'original ?"New"? As opposed to the original?
- Comme un homme célibataire, gay, mi chinois mi américain, vivant à Oklahoma City, opposé à la peine de mort.- A single, gay Chinese-American man, living in Oklahoma City, opposed to the death penalty.
- D'ailleurs, j'étais opposé à...And, actually, I was opposed to...
- J'y suis toujours tout autant opposé.- I'm just as much opposed to them as ever.
- L'opposé d'amateur ?- As opposed to amateur?
"Elle s'oppose non seulement à l'acte impur "mais aussi à la pensée immodeste."Virtue is diametrically opposed to, not only the indecent act" "but as much, nay, sooner, to the indecent thought or fantasy. "
"Lls ne comprennent pas comment ce qui s'oppose à soi-même"They do not understand that what opposes you
- ... sera viré s'il s'y oppose.- Will be fired if he opposes.
- Est-ce que quelqu'un s'oppose â cette union?Does anyone oppose this union?
- Et qui s'oppose à eux ?And who opposes them?
Dois-je comprendre que vous vous y opposez ?- Am I to understand that you oppose it?
J'ai cru comprendre que vous vous opposez à l'autopsie.I understand that you oppose the autopsy.
Je ne vous opposez de prendre les herbes.I don't oppose you to take the herbal.
Je pense qu'il est justifié d'y aller une fois, pour connaitre de source sure, ceux à quoi vous vous opposez.I think it's justifiable to go once, to know firsthand what it is you oppose.
Le Congrès semble penser que si vous vous opposez à ce qu'Israël veut, vous perdrez les prochaines élections.Congress seems to think that if you oppose what Israel wants, you'll be defeated in the next election.
Ben connait ton opposant à la réception.Ben knows your opposing counsel in reception.
Bien plus qu'à la parole de la femme de mon opposant.A lot more than the word of my opposing counsel's wife.
D'ici là Hearst m'aura tellement vu bouffer la poussière, qu'il me saura pas très dangereux, alors un bref conflit d'intérêts ne lui donnera pas l'impression de devoir me livrer un combat mortel, en s'opposant aux élections locales, par exemple.Now, by this time, Hearst has seen my ass so many times... he knows I'm no long-term threat. So, some brief opposition of our interests... ain't gonna make him feel like he needs... to engage me in a death struggle, say, by opposing local elections.
En opposant les voix dans sa tête, toutes deux prétendant avoir raison, mais l'une d'elle doit avoir tort.By opposing voices in his head, both arguing that they are right, but one has to be wrong.
Est ce qu'on a le nom de son opposant ?Do we have a name for the opposing party?

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