Paniquer (to panic) conjugation

20 examples

Conjugation of paniquer

Present tense
je panique
I panic
tu paniques
you panic
il/elle/on panique
he/she/it panics
nous paniquons
we panic
vous paniquez
you all panic
ils/elles paniquent
they panic
Present perfect tense
j’ai paniqué
I panicked
tu as paniqué
you panicked
il/elle/on a paniqué
he/she/it panicked
nous avons paniqué
we panicked
vous avez paniqué
you all panicked
ils/elles ont paniqué
they panicked
Past impf. tense
je paniquais
I was panicking
tu paniquais
you were panicking
il/elle/on paniquait
he/she/it was panicking
nous paniquions
we were panicking
vous paniquiez
you all were panicking
ils/elles paniquaient
they were panicking
Future tense
je paniquerai
I will panic
tu paniqueras
you will panic
il/elle/on paniquera
he/she/it will panic
nous paniquerons
we will panic
vous paniquerez
you all will panic
ils/elles paniqueront
they will panic
Past perfect tense
j’avais paniqué
I had panicked
tu avais paniqué
you had panicked
il/elle/on avait paniqué
he/she/it had panicked
nous avions paniqué
we had panicked
vous aviez paniqué
you all had panicked
ils/elles avaient paniqué
they had panicked
Past preterite tense
je paniquai
I panicked
tu paniquas
you panicked
il/elle/on paniqua
he/she/it panicked
nous paniquâmes
we panicked
vous paniquâtes
you all panicked
ils/elles paniquèrent
they panicked
Past anterior tense
j’eus paniqué
I had panicked
tu eus paniqué
you had panicked
il/elle/on eut paniqué
he/she/it had panicked
nous eûmes paniqué
we had panicked
vous eûtes paniqué
you all had panicked
ils/elles eurent paniqué
they had panicked
Future perfect tense
j’aurai paniqué
I will have panicked
tu auras paniqué
you will have panicked
il/elle/on aura paniqué
he/she/it will have panicked
nous aurons paniqué
we will have panicked
vous aurez paniqué
you all will have panicked
ils/elles auront paniqué
they will have panicked
Present subjunctive tense
que je panique
that I panic
que tu paniques
that you panic
qu’il/elle/on panique
that he/she/it panic
que nous paniquions
that we panic
que vous paniquiez
that you all panic
qu’ils/elles paniquent
that they panic
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie paniqué
that I have panicked
que tu aies paniqué
that you have panicked
qu’il/elle/on ait paniqué
that he/she/it have panicked
que nous ayons paniqué
that we have panicked
que vous ayez paniqué
that you all have panicked
qu’ils/elles aient paniqué
that they have panicked
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je paniquasse
that I would panic
que tu paniquasses
that you would panic
qu’il/elle/on paniquât
that he/she/it would panic
que nous paniquassions
that we would panic
que vous paniquassiez
that you all would panic
qu’ils/elles paniquassent
that they would panic
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse paniqué
that I had panicked
que tu eusses paniqué
that you had panicked
qu’il/elle/on eût paniqué
that he/she/it had panicked
que nous eussions paniqué
that we had panicked
que vous eussiez paniqué
that you all had panicked
qu’ils/elles eussent paniqué
that they had panicked
Conditional mood
je paniquerais
I would panic
tu paniquerais
you would panic
il/elle/on paniquerait
he/she/it would panic
nous paniquerions
we would panic
vous paniqueriez
you all would panic
ils/elles paniqueraient
they would panic
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais paniqué
I would have panicked
tu aurais paniqué
you would have panicked
il/elle/on aurait paniqué
he/she/it would have panicked
nous aurions paniqué
we would have panicked
vous auriez paniqué
you all would have panicked
ils/elles auraient paniqué
they would have panicked
Imperative mood
let's panic!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie paniqué
have panicked
ayons paniqué
let's have panicked
ayez paniqué
have panicked

Examples of paniquer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Aucune raison de paniquer à cause de la glace bleue, dit le porte-parole de la compagnie aérienne"."'Blue ice nothing to panic about,' says airline spokesperson."
"Les rapports évoquant des talents inhabituels ont fait paniquer le public, "et pourtant cet homme, assis à mes côtés, "dit qu'il n'y a pas lieu de s'inquiéter.Confirmed reports of unusual abilities have the public panicked, and yet this man sitting beside me says we have nothing to worry about.
"Ne faites pas peur à ces gens. Ne les faites pas paniquer."Don't cause fear and panic in these people.
"Ne pas paniquer". Oubli ça."Don't panic." Forget that.
"Si Roopmati voit ca, elle va paniquer""If Roopmati sees this, she's going to panic"
! J'ai paniqué.I panicked.
"Cet été, dans le bus, avez-vous paniqué quand..."You panicked on a bus when a man touched your shoulder.
"II était paniqué, etc...""I panicked, " et cetera.
- Après l'avoir tué, vous avez paniqué. Il me bloquait.After you killed him, you panicked.
"Ce carnage a semé la panique dans toute l'île.""A horrible carnage that is panicking the whole island."
"Dadou, le Collecteur est tout panique."Dadu, the Collector panicked.
"Démence temporaire due à un syndrome de vive détresse panique.""Temporary insanity brought on by acute panic distress syndrome."
"Est-ce de la panique ? De la colère ?""Is this panic, and is this anger?"
"Je ris en écrivant cela, sachant que votre cellule est sur le point d'être fouillée, et en imaginant la panique qui s'empare de vous!""I am laughing as I write this, knowing your cell is about to be searched, "and imagining the panic now gripping your soul!"
"Ne paniquez pas" ?Don't panic? !
"votre fils sort d'un bon trip aux acides, ne paniquez pas""your son's coming down from an acid trip, so don't panic
- Michael écoutez, ne paniquez pas.No no no no this is good, this is fine Michael listen, don't panic
- Ne paniquez pas !Don't panic.
- Ne paniquez pas!- Don't panic, folks!

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