Pleuvoir (to rain) conjugation

14 examples

Conjugation of pleuvoir

Present tense
je pleus
I rain
tu pleus
you rain
il/elle/on pleut
he/she/it rains
nous pleuvons
we rain
vous pleuvez
you all rain
ils/elles pleuvent
they rain
Present perfect tense
j’ai plu
I rained
tu as plu
you rained
il/elle/on a plu
he/she/it rained
nous avons plu
we rained
vous avez plu
you all rained
ils/elles ont plu
they rained
Past impf. tense
je pleuvais
I was raining
tu pleuvais
you were raining
il/elle/on pleuvait
he/she/it was raining
nous pleuvions
we were raining
vous pleuviez
you all were raining
ils/elles pleuvaient
they were raining
Future tense
je pleuvrai
I will rain
tu pleuvras
you will rain
il/elle/on pleuvra
he/she/it will rain
nous pleuvrons
we will rain
vous pleuvrez
you all will rain
ils/elles pleuvront
they will rain
Past perfect tense
j’avais plu
I had rained
tu avais plu
you had rained
il/elle/on avait plu
he/she/it had rained
nous avions plu
we had rained
vous aviez plu
you all had rained
ils/elles avaient plu
they had rained
Past preterite tense
il/elle/on plut
he/she/it rained
ils/elles plurent
they rained
Past anterior tense
j’eus plu
I had rained
tu eus plu
you had rained
il/elle/on eut plu
he/she/it had rained
nous eûmes plu
we had rained
vous eûtes plu
you all had rained
ils/elles eurent plu
they had rained
Future perfect tense
j’aurai plu
I will have rained
tu auras plu
you will have rained
il/elle/on aura plu
he/she/it will have rained
nous aurons plu
we will have rained
vous aurez plu
you all will have rained
ils/elles auront plu
they will have rained
Present subjunctive tense
que je pleuve
that I rain
que tu pleuves
that you rain
qu’il/elle/on pleuve
that he/she/it rain
que nous pleuvions
that we rain
que vous pleuviez
that you all rain
qu’ils/elles pleuvent
that they rain
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie plu
that I have rained
que tu aies plu
that you have rained
qu’il/elle/on ait plu
that he/she/it have rained
que nous ayons plu
that we have rained
que vous ayez plu
that you all have rained
qu’ils/elles aient plu
that they have rained
Imperfect subjunctive tense
qu’il/elle/on plût
that he/she/it would rain
qu’ils/elles plûssent
that they would rain
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse plu
that I had rained
que tu eusses plu
that you had rained
qu’il/elle/on eût plu
that he/she/it had rained
que nous eussions plu
that we had rained
que vous eussiez plu
that you all had rained
qu’ils/elles eussent plu
that they had rained
Conditional mood
je pleuvrais
I would rain
tu pleuvrais
you would rain
il/elle/on pleuvrait
he/she/it would rain
nous pleuvrions
we would rain
vous pleuvriez
you all would rain
ils/elles pleuvraient
they would rain
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais plu
I would have rained
tu aurais plu
you would have rained
il/elle/on aurait plu
he/she/it would have rained
nous aurions plu
we would have rained
vous auriez plu
you all would have rained
ils/elles auraient plu
they would have rained
Imperative mood
let's rain!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie plu
have rained
ayons plu
let's have rained
ayez plu
have rained

Examples of pleuvoir

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Allah fera pleuvoir le feu des justes sur Zion et l'Amérique, les deux satans, écrasant les infidèles."And allah will rain the fire of the just "down on zion and america, the two satans, Crushing the infidels."
"Cela aurait pu être plus mauvais, il aurait pu pleuvoir."Could be worse... could be raining
"Je pari qu'il va pleuvoir aujourd'hui'"I bet it's going to rain today."
"Laissez vos cheveux pleuvoir leurs noirs nuages sur moi""Let your hair rain their dark clouds over me"
"Mets la capote parce qu'il est censé pleuvoir ce soir, d'après..""put the top up because it's supposed to rain tonight, according to..."
"'Ce matin, il avait plu."'T hat morning it had rained.
"Il a plu pendant tout le mariage, mais le cadeau attend dans la grange."It rained all over the wedding, but the gift is waiting in the barn.
"Il a plu pendant une semaine, nuit et jour."It rained for a week, night and day.
"Il a plu, aujourd'hui."It rained today.
"Il a plu, j'ai sauté dans les flaques."It rained today, splashed in puddles.
Arrivez-vous à vous imaginer, assis ici, de nuit et avoir ceci, ces choses - qui sont lourdes - pleuvant du ciel ?Can you imagine standing here on that night and having this, these things - and this is heavy, right - raining down from the sky?
Bientôt, Chuck, tu seras à la rue avec tout l'électromagnétisme du monde pleuvant sur toi.Soon, Chuck, you're gonna be out on the street with all the electromagnetism in the world raining down on you.
La terre pleuvant sur le couvercle.The earth raining down on the lid.
Si nous parvenons à réchapper au déluge de flèches pleuvant sur nous, nous atteindrons enfin la grille de la résidence.If we are able to survive the torrent of arrows raining down upon us, we'll finally reach the iron gates of the residence.

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