Prononcer (to pronounce) conjugation

22 examples

Conjugation of prononcer

Present tense
je prononce
I pronounce
tu prononces
you pronounce
il/elle/on prononce
he/she/it pronounces
nous prononçons
we pronounce
vous prononcez
you all pronounce
ils/elles prononcent
they pronounce
Present perfect tense
j’ai prononcé
I pronounced
tu as prononcé
you pronounced
il/elle/on a prononcé
he/she/it pronounced
nous avons prononcé
we pronounced
vous avez prononcé
you all pronounced
ils/elles ont prononcé
they pronounced
Past impf. tense
je prononçais
I was pronouncing
tu prononçais
you were pronouncing
il/elle/on prononçait
he/she/it was pronouncing
nous prononcions
we were pronouncing
vous prononciez
you all were pronouncing
ils/elles prononçaient
they were pronouncing
Future tense
je prononcerai
I will pronounce
tu prononceras
you will pronounce
il/elle/on prononcera
he/she/it will pronounce
nous prononcerons
we will pronounce
vous prononcerez
you all will pronounce
ils/elles prononceront
they will pronounce
Past perfect tense
j’avais prononcé
I had pronounced
tu avais prononcé
you had pronounced
il/elle/on avait prononcé
he/she/it had pronounced
nous avions prononcé
we had pronounced
vous aviez prononcé
you all had pronounced
ils/elles avaient prononcé
they had pronounced
Past preterite tense
je prononçai
I pronounced
tu prononças
you pronounced
il/elle/on prononça
he/she/it pronounced
nous prononçâmes
we pronounced
vous prononçâtes
you all pronounced
ils/elles prononcèrent
they pronounced
Past anterior tense
j’eus prononcé
I had pronounced
tu eus prononcé
you had pronounced
il/elle/on eut prononcé
he/she/it had pronounced
nous eûmes prononcé
we had pronounced
vous eûtes prononcé
you all had pronounced
ils/elles eurent prononcé
they had pronounced
Future perfect tense
j’aurai prononcé
I will have pronounced
tu auras prononcé
you will have pronounced
il/elle/on aura prononcé
he/she/it will have pronounced
nous aurons prononcé
we will have pronounced
vous aurez prononcé
you all will have pronounced
ils/elles auront prononcé
they will have pronounced
Present subjunctive tense
que je prononce
that I pronounce
que tu prononces
that you pronounce
qu’il/elle/on prononce
that he/she/it pronounce
que nous prononcions
that we pronounce
que vous prononciez
that you all pronounce
qu’ils/elles prononcent
that they pronounce
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie prononcé
that I have pronounced
que tu aies prononcé
that you have pronounced
qu’il/elle/on ait prononcé
that he/she/it have pronounced
que nous ayons prononcé
that we have pronounced
que vous ayez prononcé
that you all have pronounced
qu’ils/elles aient prononcé
that they have pronounced
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je prononçasse
that I would pronounce
que tu prononçasses
that you would pronounce
qu’il/elle/on prononçât
that he/she/it would pronounce
que nous prononçassions
that we would pronounce
que vous prononçassiez
that you all would pronounce
qu’ils/elles prononçassent
that they would pronounce
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse prononcé
that I had pronounced
que tu eusses prononcé
that you had pronounced
qu’il/elle/on eût prononcé
that he/she/it had pronounced
que nous eussions prononcé
that we had pronounced
que vous eussiez prononcé
that you all had pronounced
qu’ils/elles eussent prononcé
that they had pronounced
Conditional mood
je prononcerais
I would pronounce
tu prononcerais
you would pronounce
il/elle/on prononcerait
he/she/it would pronounce
nous prononcerions
we would pronounce
vous prononceriez
you all would pronounce
ils/elles prononceraient
they would pronounce
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais prononcé
I would have pronounced
tu aurais prononcé
you would have pronounced
il/elle/on aurait prononcé
he/she/it would have pronounced
nous aurions prononcé
we would have pronounced
vous auriez prononcé
you all would have pronounced
ils/elles auraient prononcé
they would have pronounced
Imperative mood
let's pronounce!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie prononcé
have pronounced
ayons prononcé
let's have pronounced
ayez prononcé
have pronounced

Examples of prononcer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Il faut accentuer le E. Si vous en servez, apprenez au moins à bien le prononcer."You emphasize the 'e'. If you're going to serve it, learn how to pronounce it.'
"Les jumeaux savent prononcer les "s" maintenant"."The twins can pronounce their S's now and£­£­"
"Mais, tu dois prononcer la formule magique exactement comme moi...""But, you must be very careful and pronounce the magic words exactly as l have taught them to you..."
"Ne couche jamais avec un homme dont tu ne peux pas prononcer le nom""Never sleep with a man whose name you can't pronounce. "
"Palmer" peut se prononcer autrement ?There's another way to pronounce "Palmer"?
"J'ai prononcé 3 fois la formule que j'ai trouvée cette nuit,"I pronounced the formula I found tonight three times.
"J'ai prononcé la formule. "Un souffle s'est élevé d'entre les pierres."I pronounced the formula, a blow came out from the stones."
- C'est prononcé "Il-by."It's pronounced "eel-bee."
- Et tu l'as bien prononcé.- Oh, you pronounced it right too.
- Ils ont prononcé le décès.- She was pronounced dead.
"En joignant vos mains, je vous prononce mari et femme.""And by joining hands I now pronounce that they are man and wife. "
"Flac-cide" On prononce les deux "c"."Flak-sid." It's actually pronounced "flak-sid."
"Je suis Italien et on prononce "calzoné".It's pronounced calzon-e.
"Par les pouvoirs qui me sont conférés et selon les lois de l'Etat suprême de l'Arizona, je vous prononce à présent mari et femme.""By the authority vested in me according to the laws of the sovereign state of Arizona I hereby pronounce you man and wife."
- "Veiss", ça se prononce "Veiss"."Veiss." It's pronounced "Veiss". du bout de la langue, prononcez ces quelques phrases...Try to pronounce the following words.
Comment le prononcez-vous exactement?How, exactly, do you pronounce it?
Comment prononcez-vous "Boston"?Tell me, how do you pronounce "Boston"?
Comment prononcez-vous votre nom?How do you pronounce your name?
Comment vous prononcez le mot v-e-r-s ?- Jesus. How do you pronounce the word t-o-w-a-r-d-s?
Je prie la Cour d'en tenir compte en prononçant la sentence.I beg the court to consider this when pronouncing its sentence.
Je suis en prononçant les mots d'amour.I'm pronouncing the words of love.

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