Recommencer (to begin again) conjugation

12 examples

Conjugation of recommencer

Present tense
je recommence
I begin again
tu recommences
you begin again
il/elle/on recommence
he/she/it begins again
nous recommençons
we begin again
vous recommencez
you all begin again
ils/elles recommencent
they begin again
Present perfect tense
j’ai recommencé
I began again
tu as recommencé
you began again
il/elle/on a recommencé
he/she/it began again
nous avons recommencé
we began again
vous avez recommencé
you all began again
ils/elles ont recommencé
they began again
Past impf. tense
je recommençais
I was beginning again
tu recommençais
you were beginning again
il/elle/on recommençait
he/she/it was beginning again
nous recommencions
we were beginning again
vous recommenciez
you all were beginning again
ils/elles recommençaient
they were beginning again
Future tense
je recommencerai
I will begin again
tu recommenceras
you will begin again
il/elle/on recommencera
he/she/it will begin again
nous recommencerons
we will begin again
vous recommencerez
you all will begin again
ils/elles recommenceront
they will begin again
Past perfect tense
j’avais recommencé
I had begun again
tu avais recommencé
you had begun again
il/elle/on avait recommencé
he/she/it had begun again
nous avions recommencé
we had begun again
vous aviez recommencé
you all had begun again
ils/elles avaient recommencé
they had begun again
Past preterite tense
je recommençai
I began again
tu recommenças
you began again
il/elle/on recommença
he/she/it began again
nous recommençâmes
we began again
vous recommençâtes
you all began again
ils/elles recommencèrent
they began again
Past anterior tense
j’eus recommencé
I had begun again
tu eus recommencé
you had begun again
il/elle/on eut recommencé
he/she/it had begun again
nous eûmes recommencé
we had begun again
vous eûtes recommencé
you all had begun again
ils/elles eurent recommencé
they had begun again
Future perfect tense
j’aurai recommencé
I will have begun again
tu auras recommencé
you will have begun again
il/elle/on aura recommencé
he/she/it will have begun again
nous aurons recommencé
we will have begun again
vous aurez recommencé
you all will have begun again
ils/elles auront recommencé
they will have begun again
Present subjunctive tense
que je recommence
that I begin again
que tu recommences
that you begin again
qu’il/elle/on recommence
that he/she/it begin again
que nous recommencions
that we begin again
que vous recommenciez
that you all begin again
qu’ils/elles recommencent
that they begin again
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie recommencé
that I have begun again
que tu aies recommencé
that you have begun again
qu’il/elle/on ait recommencé
that he/she/it have begun again
que nous ayons recommencé
that we have begun again
que vous ayez recommencé
that you all have begun again
qu’ils/elles aient recommencé
that they have begun again
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je recommençasse
that I would begin again
que tu recommençasses
that you would begin again
qu’il/elle/on recommençât
that he/she/it would begin again
que nous recommençassions
that we would begin again
que vous recommençassiez
that you all would begin again
qu’ils/elles recommençassent
that they would begin again
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse recommencé
that I had begun again
que tu eusses recommencé
that you had begun again
qu’il/elle/on eût recommencé
that he/she/it had begun again
que nous eussions recommencé
that we had begun again
que vous eussiez recommencé
that you all had begun again
qu’ils/elles eussent recommencé
that they had begun again
Conditional mood
je recommencerais
I would begin again
tu recommencerais
you would begin again
il/elle/on recommencerait
he/she/it would begin again
nous recommencerions
we would begin again
vous recommenceriez
you all would begin again
ils/elles recommenceraient
they would begin again
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais recommencé
I would have begun again
tu aurais recommencé
you would have begun again
il/elle/on aurait recommencé
he/she/it would have begun again
nous aurions recommencé
we would have begun again
vous auriez recommencé
you all would have begun again
ils/elles auraient recommencé
they would have begun again
Imperative mood
begin again!
let's begin again!
begin again!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie recommencé
have begun again
ayons recommencé
let's have begun again
ayez recommencé
have begun again

Examples of recommencer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Je voudrais recommencer.""I would like to begin again."
- Je dois recommencer...- I'll have to begin again now...
- Je veux recommencer.- I want to begin again.
- On peut recommencer.We can begin again?
- Ça va recommencer, non ?- It's going to begin again, isn't it?
- je recommence.- I will begin again.
Alors, on recommence.Then let's begin again.
C'est juste là où on recommence...That's just where you begin again...
Et ainsi, tout recommence.And so, we begin again.
Je hais ses promesses de s'arrêter... et de le regarder, à attendre que ça recommence.I hate his promises to stop and then the watching and waiting to see it begin again.
Donc... recommençons depuis le début, d'accord ?So... let's begin again, shall we?
Jetez tout et recommencez.Just throw it up and begin again.

More French verbs

Other French verbs with the meaning similar to 'begin again':

None found.