Recoucher (to back to bed) conjugation

11 examples

Conjugation of recoucher

Present tense
je recouche
I back to bed
tu recouches
you back to bed
il/elle/on recouche
he/she/it backs to bed
nous recouchons
we back to bed
vous recouchez
you all back to bed
ils/elles recouchent
they back to bed
Present perfect tense
j’ai recouché
I backed to bed
tu as recouché
you backed to bed
il/elle/on a recouché
he/she/it backed to bed
nous avons recouché
we backed to bed
vous avez recouché
you all backed to bed
ils/elles ont recouché
they backed to bed
Past impf. tense
je recouchais
I was backing to bed
tu recouchais
you were backing to bed
il/elle/on recouchait
he/she/it was backing to bed
nous recouchions
we were backing to bed
vous recouchiez
you all were backing to bed
ils/elles recouchaient
they were backing to bed
Future tense
je recoucherai
I will back to bed
tu recoucheras
you will back to bed
il/elle/on recouchera
he/she/it will back to bed
nous recoucherons
we will back to bed
vous recoucherez
you all will back to bed
ils/elles recoucheront
they will back to bed
Past perfect tense
j’avais recouché
I had backed to bed
tu avais recouché
you had backed to bed
il/elle/on avait recouché
he/she/it had backed to bed
nous avions recouché
we had backed to bed
vous aviez recouché
you all had backed to bed
ils/elles avaient recouché
they had backed to bed
Past preterite tense
je recouchai
I backed to bed
tu recouchas
you backed to bed
il/elle/on recoucha
he/she/it backed to bed
nous recouchâmes
we backed to bed
vous recouchâtes
you all backed to bed
ils/elles recouchèrent
they backed to bed
Past anterior tense
j’eus recouché
I had backed to bed
tu eus recouché
you had backed to bed
il/elle/on eut recouché
he/she/it had backed to bed
nous eûmes recouché
we had backed to bed
vous eûtes recouché
you all had backed to bed
ils/elles eurent recouché
they had backed to bed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai recouché
I will have backed to bed
tu auras recouché
you will have backed to bed
il/elle/on aura recouché
he/she/it will have backed to bed
nous aurons recouché
we will have backed to bed
vous aurez recouché
you all will have backed to bed
ils/elles auront recouché
they will have backed to bed
Present subjunctive tense
que je recouche
that I back to bed
que tu recouches
that you back to bed
qu’il/elle/on recouche
that he/she/it back to bed
que nous recouchions
that we back to bed
que vous recouchiez
that you all back to bed
qu’ils/elles recouchent
that they back to bed
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie recouché
that I have backed to bed
que tu aies recouché
that you have backed to bed
qu’il/elle/on ait recouché
that he/she/it have backed to bed
que nous ayons recouché
that we have backed to bed
que vous ayez recouché
that you all have backed to bed
qu’ils/elles aient recouché
that they have backed to bed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je recouchasse
that I would back to bed
que tu recouchasses
that you would back to bed
qu’il/elle/on recouchât
that he/she/it would back to bed
que nous recouchassions
that we would back to bed
que vous recouchassiez
that you all would back to bed
qu’ils/elles recouchassent
that they would back to bed
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse recouché
that I had backed to bed
que tu eusses recouché
that you had backed to bed
qu’il/elle/on eût recouché
that he/she/it had backed to bed
que nous eussions recouché
that we had backed to bed
que vous eussiez recouché
that you all had backed to bed
qu’ils/elles eussent recouché
that they had backed to bed
Conditional mood
je recoucherais
I would back to bed
tu recoucherais
you would back to bed
il/elle/on recoucherait
he/she/it would back to bed
nous recoucherions
we would back to bed
vous recoucheriez
you all would back to bed
ils/elles recoucheraient
they would back to bed
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais recouché
I would have backed to bed
tu aurais recouché
you would have backed to bed
il/elle/on aurait recouché
he/she/it would have backed to bed
nous aurions recouché
we would have backed to bed
vous auriez recouché
you all would have backed to bed
ils/elles auraient recouché
they would have backed to bed
Imperative mood
back to bed!
let's back to bed!
back to bed!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie recouché
have backed to bed
ayons recouché
let's have backed to bed
ayez recouché
have backed to bed

Examples of recoucher

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Aidez madame à se recoucher. - Non !- Help your lady back to bed.
- Bordel ! Va te recoucher.- Jesus Christ, go back to bed.
- C'est très bruyant ! Vous pourriez vous recoucher ?- Yeah, sir, could you please just go back to bed, all right?
- Je peux me recoucher ?- Can I go back to bed now?
- Je t'ai dit de te recoucher.- I said back to bed.
- Ne te recouche pas.No going back to bed.
- Rien, recouche-toi.- Nothing. Go back to bed.
- Un café, vite, et je me recouche.- A coffee, fast, and I go back to bed.
- allez, recouche-toi !- Why don't you go back to bed?
A l'aube, quand j'ai préparé ton infusion d'anis, je me recouche, et le monde entier peut aller au diable !At daybreak, after I prepare your tea, I go back to bed and the rest of the world can go to hell.
- Mme Nealberry, recouchez-vous.- Mrs. Nealberry, go back to bed, please.

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