Reprocher (to reproach) conjugation

20 examples

Conjugation of reprocher

Present tense
je reproche
I reproach
tu reproches
you reproach
il/elle/on reproche
he/she/it reproaches
nous reprochons
we reproach
vous reprochez
you all reproach
ils/elles reprochent
they reproach
Present perfect tense
j’ai reproché
I reproached
tu as reproché
you reproached
il/elle/on a reproché
he/she/it reproached
nous avons reproché
we reproached
vous avez reproché
you all reproached
ils/elles ont reproché
they reproached
Past impf. tense
je reprochais
I was reproaching
tu reprochais
you were reproaching
il/elle/on reprochait
he/she/it was reproaching
nous reprochions
we were reproaching
vous reprochiez
you all were reproaching
ils/elles reprochaient
they were reproaching
Future tense
je reprocherai
I will reproach
tu reprocheras
you will reproach
il/elle/on reprochera
he/she/it will reproach
nous reprocherons
we will reproach
vous reprocherez
you all will reproach
ils/elles reprocheront
they will reproach
Past perfect tense
j’avais reproché
I had reproached
tu avais reproché
you had reproached
il/elle/on avait reproché
he/she/it had reproached
nous avions reproché
we had reproached
vous aviez reproché
you all had reproached
ils/elles avaient reproché
they had reproached
Past preterite tense
je reprochai
I reproached
tu reprochas
you reproached
il/elle/on reprocha
he/she/it reproached
nous reprochâmes
we reproached
vous reprochâtes
you all reproached
ils/elles reprochèrent
they reproached
Past anterior tense
j’eus reproché
I had reproached
tu eus reproché
you had reproached
il/elle/on eut reproché
he/she/it had reproached
nous eûmes reproché
we had reproached
vous eûtes reproché
you all had reproached
ils/elles eurent reproché
they had reproached
Future perfect tense
j’aurai reproché
I will have reproached
tu auras reproché
you will have reproached
il/elle/on aura reproché
he/she/it will have reproached
nous aurons reproché
we will have reproached
vous aurez reproché
you all will have reproached
ils/elles auront reproché
they will have reproached
Present subjunctive tense
que je reproche
that I reproach
que tu reproches
that you reproach
qu’il/elle/on reproche
that he/she/it reproach
que nous reprochions
that we reproach
que vous reprochiez
that you all reproach
qu’ils/elles reprochent
that they reproach
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie reproché
that I have reproached
que tu aies reproché
that you have reproached
qu’il/elle/on ait reproché
that he/she/it have reproached
que nous ayons reproché
that we have reproached
que vous ayez reproché
that you all have reproached
qu’ils/elles aient reproché
that they have reproached
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je reprochasse
that I would reproach
que tu reprochasses
that you would reproach
qu’il/elle/on reprochât
that he/she/it would reproach
que nous reprochassions
that we would reproach
que vous reprochassiez
that you all would reproach
qu’ils/elles reprochassent
that they would reproach
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse reproché
that I had reproached
que tu eusses reproché
that you had reproached
qu’il/elle/on eût reproché
that he/she/it had reproached
que nous eussions reproché
that we had reproached
que vous eussiez reproché
that you all had reproached
qu’ils/elles eussent reproché
that they had reproached
Conditional mood
je reprocherais
I would reproach
tu reprocherais
you would reproach
il/elle/on reprocherait
he/she/it would reproach
nous reprocherions
we would reproach
vous reprocheriez
you all would reproach
ils/elles reprocheraient
they would reproach
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais reproché
I would have reproached
tu aurais reproché
you would have reproached
il/elle/on aurait reproché
he/she/it would have reproached
nous aurions reproché
we would have reproached
vous auriez reproché
you all would have reproached
ils/elles auraient reproché
they would have reproached
Imperative mood
let's reproach!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie reproché
have reproached
ayons reproché
let's have reproached
ayez reproché
have reproached

Examples of reprocher

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
-T'as rien à te reprocher ?If you have noting to reproach yourself, let me see it.
-Tu peux pas me reprocher de vouloir te voir.You're going to reproach me for wanting to see you, then ?
C'est la seule chose qu'on peut pas lui reprocher.This is the only what it can not be reproached.
Il n'a rien trouvé à lui reprocher.He found nothing to reproach him for.
Il n'arrête pas de se reprocher.He just won't stop reproaching himself.
C'est parce que tu lui as trop reproché le travail qu'il faisait.It's mainly because you too often reproached him with his job.
Il m'a reproché de ne pas parler comme j'écrivais. Que tout serait différent, pas mieux, mais autrement, si je parlais comme j'écris.He reproached me with not speaking as I wrote, that everything would be different, not better perhaps, but different, if I spoke as I wrote.
Il m'a reproché tant de fois ma violence... queje suis déterminée... quand la vie nous remettra en présence... à ne rien faire qui pourrait lui faire peur.So many times he has reproached me... for the violence of my emotions... that when life brings us together again... I'm determined to do nothing that will startle him.
Je le lui ai déjà reproché.Once, I reproached him with forgetting his work.
Je me trompe ou tu m'as déjà reproché ça?Am I wrong or you've already reproached me about that?
"grossier et sale." "Mais en tant que client, il est..." "au-dessus de tout reproche."His manners are bad and he's dirty but as a client, I said, "He's beyond reproach."
- Alors que lui reproche-t-on?Then why reproach him?
- C'est pas un reproche, Paul.It's not a reproach.
- C'est un reproche ?- ¿Was that a reproach?
- Est-ce un reproche?- Is that a reproach?
- Ne vous reprochez rien, il était malade.You do not have to reproach yourself.
Mais vous reprochez à la victime d'avoir été imprévisible.Then you reproach the dead for being unreliable.
Me le reprochez-vous ?Do you reproach me for it?
Ne vous reprochez rien.Don't reproach yourself.
Que me reprochez-vous ?What do you reproach me with?

More French verbs

Other French verbs with the meaning similar to 'reproach':

None found.