Se peupler (to get tougher) conjugation


Conjugation of se peupler

Present tense
il/elle/on il/elle/on se peuple
he/she/it gets tougher
ils/elles ils/elles se peuplent
they get tougher
Present perfect tense
il/elle/on il/elle s’est peuplé
he/she/it got tougher
ils/elles se sont peuplés
they got tougher
Past impf. tense
il/elle/on il/elle/on se peuplait
he/she/it was getting tougher
ils/elles ils/elles se peuplaient
they were getting tougher
Future tense
il/elle/on il/elle/on se peuplera
he/she/it will get tougher
ils/elles ils/elles se peupleront
they will get tougher
Past perfect tense
il/elle/on il/elle s’était peuplé
he/she/it had got tougher
ils/elles s’étaient peuplés
they had got tougher
Past preterite tense
il/elle/on il/elle/on se peupla
he/she/it got tougher
ils/elles ils/elles se peuplèrent
they got tougher
Past anterior tense
il/elle/on il/elle se fut peuplé
he/she/it had got tougher
ils/elles se furent peuplés
they had got tougher
Future perfect tense
il/elle/on il/elle se sera peuplé
he/she/it will have got tougher
ils/elles se seront peuplés
they will have got tougher
Present subjunctive tense
qu’il/elle/on se peuple
that he/she/it get tougher
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se peuplent
that they get tougher
Present perf. subjunctive tense
il/elle/on qu’il/elle se soit peuplé
that he/she/it have got tougher
qu’ils/elles se soient peuplés
that they have got tougher
Imperfect subjunctive tense
qu’il/elle/on se peuplât
that he/she/it would get tougher
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  se peuplassent
that they would get tougher
Past perfect subjunctive tense
il/elle/on qu’il/elle se fût peuplé
that he/she/it had got tougher
qu’ils/elles se fussent peuplés
that they had got tougher
Conditional mood
il/elle/on il/elle/on se peuplerait
he/she/it would get tougher
ils/elles ils/elles se peupleraient
they would get tougher
Conditional perfect tense
il/elle/on il/elle se serait peuplé
he/she/it would have got tougher
ils/elles se seraient peuplés
they would have got tougher

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