Siffler (to whistle) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of siffler

Present tense
je siffle
I whistle
tu siffles
you whistle
il/elle/on siffle
he/she/it whistles
nous sifflons
we whistle
vous sifflez
you all whistle
ils/elles sifflent
they whistle
Present perfect tense
j’ai sifflé
I whistled
tu as sifflé
you whistled
il/elle/on a sifflé
he/she/it whistled
nous avons sifflé
we whistled
vous avez sifflé
you all whistled
ils/elles ont sifflé
they whistled
Past impf. tense
je sifflais
I was whistling
tu sifflais
you were whistling
il/elle/on sifflait
he/she/it was whistling
nous sifflions
we were whistling
vous siffliez
you all were whistling
ils/elles sifflaient
they were whistling
Future tense
je sifflerai
I will whistle
tu siffleras
you will whistle
il/elle/on sifflera
he/she/it will whistle
nous sifflerons
we will whistle
vous sifflerez
you all will whistle
ils/elles siffleront
they will whistle
Past perfect tense
j’avais sifflé
I had whistled
tu avais sifflé
you had whistled
il/elle/on avait sifflé
he/she/it had whistled
nous avions sifflé
we had whistled
vous aviez sifflé
you all had whistled
ils/elles avaient sifflé
they had whistled
Past preterite tense
je sifflai
I whistled
tu sifflas
you whistled
il/elle/on siffla
he/she/it whistled
nous sifflâmes
we whistled
vous sifflâtes
you all whistled
ils/elles sifflèrent
they whistled
Past anterior tense
j’eus sifflé
I had whistled
tu eus sifflé
you had whistled
il/elle/on eut sifflé
he/she/it had whistled
nous eûmes sifflé
we had whistled
vous eûtes sifflé
you all had whistled
ils/elles eurent sifflé
they had whistled
Future perfect tense
j’aurai sifflé
I will have whistled
tu auras sifflé
you will have whistled
il/elle/on aura sifflé
he/she/it will have whistled
nous aurons sifflé
we will have whistled
vous aurez sifflé
you all will have whistled
ils/elles auront sifflé
they will have whistled
Present subjunctive tense
que je siffle
that I whistle
que tu siffles
that you whistle
qu’il/elle/on siffle
that he/she/it whistle
que nous sifflions
that we whistle
que vous siffliez
that you all whistle
qu’ils/elles sifflent
that they whistle
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie sifflé
that I have whistled
que tu aies sifflé
that you have whistled
qu’il/elle/on ait sifflé
that he/she/it have whistled
que nous ayons sifflé
that we have whistled
que vous ayez sifflé
that you all have whistled
qu’ils/elles aient sifflé
that they have whistled
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je sifflasse
that I would whistle
que tu sifflasses
that you would whistle
qu’il/elle/on sifflât
that he/she/it would whistle
que nous sifflassions
that we would whistle
que vous sifflassiez
that you all would whistle
qu’ils/elles sifflassent
that they would whistle
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse sifflé
that I had whistled
que tu eusses sifflé
that you had whistled
qu’il/elle/on eût sifflé
that he/she/it had whistled
que nous eussions sifflé
that we had whistled
que vous eussiez sifflé
that you all had whistled
qu’ils/elles eussent sifflé
that they had whistled
Conditional mood
je sifflerais
I would whistle
tu sifflerais
you would whistle
il/elle/on sifflerait
he/she/it would whistle
nous sifflerions
we would whistle
vous siffleriez
you all would whistle
ils/elles siffleraient
they would whistle
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais sifflé
I would have whistled
tu aurais sifflé
you would have whistled
il/elle/on aurait sifflé
he/she/it would have whistled
nous aurions sifflé
we would have whistled
vous auriez sifflé
you all would have whistled
ils/elles auraient sifflé
they would have whistled
Imperative mood
let's whistle!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie sifflé
have whistled
ayons sifflé
let's have whistled
ayez sifflé
have whistled

Examples of siffler

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Dites, vous sauriez siffler une berceuse dans un tuyau d'eau?""Well, can you whistle an evening song on a water pipe?"
"Et quand il m'entend siffler, "il sait que j'ai un chardon.And when he hears me whistle he knows I have a thistle
"Tu sais siffler ?""You know how to whistle now?"
(Ils rigolent) Je vais vous siffler, Carol !I'm gonna blow my whistle on you, carol!
- Bien sûr. Mais si vous pensez au loyer, vous pouvez lui siffler sous le nez.But if it's the rent you're thinking about, you can go in and whistle up his nose.
"Plus rapide que des aigles ses oiseaux sont venus, et il a sifflé, et il a crié, et les a appelés par les noms:"More rapid than eagles his coursers they came, "and he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name,
"Timmy, il a sifflé quand je suis passé et a dit qu'il te voulait pour Noël."Uh... "Timmy, this whistled at me when I passed and said it wanted you for Christmas. "
(Un élève siffle.) - Quel est l'imbécile qui a sifflé?What fool whistled?
Alors tu as sifflé.- So you whistled?
Alors, j'ai simplement sifflé.And what I done, I just whistled.
""accroché au mur et qui siffle?"""hangs on the wall and whistles?"
"Un demi million de dollar, bien quand vous voulez Mr. Stinson ne peut pas augmenter cette occasion, triste réplique ou siffle les sons" ?"A half million dollar fine "any time Mr. Stinson can't 'rise to the occasion,' cue sad slide whistle sounds"?
(Homme siffle, des pas se rapprochent)(Man whistles, footsteps approach)
(Jeremiah siffle)(Jeremiah whistles)
(Un élève siffle.) - Quel est l'imbécile qui a sifflé?What fool whistled?
'Si vous avez besoin de moi, sifflez.If you need me, just whistle.
- Au moindre problème, sifflez.- In case of need - you whistle.
- Ca ne vous dérange pas que je lise pendant que vous sifflez ?Do you mind if I read while you whistle?
- Quand vous lui sifflez dans les oreilles?When you whistle in his ear?
- Vous ne sifflez pas ?- No whistle?
"en sifflant un air de comédie musicale,"whistling an air from a recent musical comedy...
Ce qui me contrarie le plus à la gym, ce sont les gens qui se baladent à poil en sifflant.Where people walk around happily naked all the time whistling. They get weighed naked.
D'autres fois ils viennent sifflant vers vous d'une manière attentive, et puis,"déflagration!" et le couvercle s'envole, fendant l'air, hurlant.Other times they come whistling towards you in a thoughtful sort of a way, and then go, "Crump!" and the screw-cap flies off, hurtling through the air, screaming.
Des bébés innocents sifflant nonchalamment.Innocent babies whistling nonchalantly.
Des vieux rêves remontent à la surface, la fraternité en sifflant l'Internationale.Old dreams will return today: the whistling brotherhood, the International.

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