Soudoyer (to bribe) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of soudoyer

Present tense
je soudoie
I bribe
tu soudoies
you bribe
il/elle/on soudoie
he/she/it bribes
nous soudoyons
we bribe
vous soudoyez
you all bribe
ils/elles soudoient
they bribe
Present perfect tense
j’ai soudoyé
I bribed
tu as soudoyé
you bribed
il/elle/on a soudoyé
he/she/it bribed
nous avons soudoyé
we bribed
vous avez soudoyé
you all bribed
ils/elles ont soudoyé
they bribed
Past impf. tense
je soudoyais
I was bribing
tu soudoyais
you were bribing
il/elle/on soudoyait
he/she/it was bribing
nous soudoyions
we were bribing
vous soudoyiez
you all were bribing
ils/elles soudoyaient
they were bribing
Future tense
je soudoierai
I will bribe
tu soudoieras
you will bribe
il/elle/on soudoiera
he/she/it will bribe
nous soudoierons
we will bribe
vous soudoierez
you all will bribe
ils/elles soudoieront
they will bribe
Past perfect tense
j’avais soudoyé
I had bribed
tu avais soudoyé
you had bribed
il/elle/on avait soudoyé
he/she/it had bribed
nous avions soudoyé
we had bribed
vous aviez soudoyé
you all had bribed
ils/elles avaient soudoyé
they had bribed
Past preterite tense
je soudoyai
I bribed
tu soudoyas
you bribed
il/elle/on soudoya
he/she/it bribed
nous soudoyâmes
we bribed
vous soudoyâtes
you all bribed
ils/elles soudoyèrent
they bribed
Past anterior tense
j’eus soudoyé
I had bribed
tu eus soudoyé
you had bribed
il/elle/on eut soudoyé
he/she/it had bribed
nous eûmes soudoyé
we had bribed
vous eûtes soudoyé
you all had bribed
ils/elles eurent soudoyé
they had bribed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai soudoyé
I will have bribed
tu auras soudoyé
you will have bribed
il/elle/on aura soudoyé
he/she/it will have bribed
nous aurons soudoyé
we will have bribed
vous aurez soudoyé
you all will have bribed
ils/elles auront soudoyé
they will have bribed
Present subjunctive tense
que je soudoie
that I bribe
que tu soudoies
that you bribe
qu’il/elle/on soudoie
that he/she/it bribe
que nous soudoyions
that we bribe
que vous soudoyiez
that you all bribe
qu’ils/elles soudoient
that they bribe
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie soudoyé
that I have bribed
que tu aies soudoyé
that you have bribed
qu’il/elle/on ait soudoyé
that he/she/it have bribed
que nous ayons soudoyé
that we have bribed
que vous ayez soudoyé
that you all have bribed
qu’ils/elles aient soudoyé
that they have bribed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je soudoyasse
that I would bribe
que tu soudoyasses
that you would bribe
qu’il/elle/on soudoyât
that he/she/it would bribe
que nous soudoyassions
that we would bribe
que vous soudoyassiez
that you all would bribe
qu’ils/elles soudoyassent
that they would bribe
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse soudoyé
that I had bribed
que tu eusses soudoyé
that you had bribed
qu’il/elle/on eût soudoyé
that he/she/it had bribed
que nous eussions soudoyé
that we had bribed
que vous eussiez soudoyé
that you all had bribed
qu’ils/elles eussent soudoyé
that they had bribed
Conditional mood
je soudoierais
I would bribe
tu soudoierais
you would bribe
il/elle/on soudoierait
he/she/it would bribe
nous soudoierions
we would bribe
vous soudoieriez
you all would bribe
ils/elles soudoieraient
they would bribe
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais soudoyé
I would have bribed
tu aurais soudoyé
you would have bribed
il/elle/on aurait soudoyé
he/she/it would have bribed
nous aurions soudoyé
we would have bribed
vous auriez soudoyé
you all would have bribed
ils/elles auraient soudoyé
they would have bribed
Imperative mood
let's bribe!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie soudoyé
have bribed
ayons soudoyé
let's have bribed
ayez soudoyé
have bribed

Examples of soudoyer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Le riche père tente de soudoyer l'épouse flouée.""Rich father tries to bribe wronged wife."
(environ de 5.000.000 $ alors) par la Banque d'Angleterre et a envoyé à l'Amérique de soudoyer les nécessaires pour obtenir l'argent du peuple "démonétisé".(about $500,000 then) by the Bank of England and sent to America to bribe the necessary Congressmen to get silver "demonetised".
- Essayez-vous de nous soudoyer?- Are you trying to bribe us?
- Faut les soudoyer. - J'ai !Maybe with money we could bribe them.
- Impossible de les soudoyer.-They won't even take a bribe!
- Et tu as soudoyé un garde ?-And you bribed a guard?
- J'ai soudoyé la standardiste.- I bribed a woman at your service.
- Nous l'avons soudoyé.- We bribed him.
- Oui, j'ai soudoyé un garde.-Yes. l bribed a guard.
- Vous avez soudoyé votre soeur ?~ You bribed your sister? !
- C'est irréparable. - Je te soudoie pas.I'm not trying to bribe you, honey.
- Je les soudoie.- I bribe them.
- Je ne soudoie pas.I don't bribe.
- Non, on dirait que je vous soudoie.- I'd better not. It would constitute a bribe.
Depuis quand le NIH soudoie les internes pour les engager ?Since when does the N.I.H. bribe residents to come work for them?
- Vous soudoyez un officier ?- You trying to bribe a fellow officer?
Même si vous soudoyez le juge pour obtenir un mandat, vous risquez votre vie.Even if you bribe the judge for a warrant you're risking your life
Ne soudoyez pas mes gars.Don't try to bribe the boys.
Très bien, soudoyez le ver.Fine, bribe the worm.
Vous me soudoyez ?Huh? Are you trying to bribe a police officer?
Elle a tué cette fille en soudoyant un chauffeur de taxi.She killed this girl by bribing a ca r)v%r ( screams )
En accumulant les faveurs, en soudoyant les gens, en les cajolant.- By offering favors, by bribing, by weedling...
Et de cette façon, tu échoues dans une matière au lieu de te faire expulser de l'école en soudoyant un professeurAnd this way, you're failing a class instead of getting thrown out of school for bribing a professor.
Ils vous ont sur vidéo soudoyant un mécanicien, pour qu'il dise à l'inspecteur ne pas avoir réparé votre voiture le lendemain du mariage.So they have you on tape bribing a mechanic, telling the detective that he did not fix your car the day after the wedding.
Le rapport médico-légal a été changé en soudoyant le Dr.Aravind Shenai pour la somme de 1 million.The forensic report was changed by bribing Dr.Aravind Shenai.. the tune of 1 million.

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