S’alanguir (to sharpen) conjugation


Conjugation of s’alanguir

Present tense
je m’alanguis
I sharpen
tu tu t’alanguis
you sharpen
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’alanguit
he/she/it sharpens
nous nous nous alanguissons
we sharpen
vous vous vous alanguissez
you all sharpen
ils/elles ils/elles s’alanguissent
they sharpen
Present perfect tense
je me suis alangui
I sharpened
tu t’es alangui
you sharpened
il/elle/on s’est alangui
he/she/it sharpened
nous nous sommes alanguis
we sharpened
vous vous êtes alanguis
you all sharpened
ils/elles se sont alanguis
they sharpened
Past impf. tense
je m’alanguissais
I was sharpening
tu tu t’alanguissais
you were sharpening
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’alanguissait
he/she/it was sharpening
nous nous nous alanguissions
we were sharpening
vous vous vous alanguissiez
you all were sharpening
ils/elles ils/elles s’alanguissaient
they were sharpening
Future tense
je m’alanguirai
I will sharpen
tu tu t’alanguiras
you will sharpen
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’alanguira
he/she/it will sharpen
nous nous nous alanguirons
we will sharpen
vous vous vous alanguirez
you all will sharpen
ils/elles ils/elles s’alanguiront
they will sharpen
Past perfect tense
je m’étais alangui
I had sharpened
tu t’étais alangui
you had sharpened
il/elle/on s’était alangui
he/she/it had sharpened
nous nous étions alanguis
we had sharpened
vous vous étiez alanguis
you all had sharpened
ils/elles s’étaient alanguis
they had sharpened
Past preterite tense
je m’alanguis
I sharpened
tu tu t’alanguis
you sharpened
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’alanguit
he/she/it sharpened
nous nous nous alanguîmes
we sharpened
vous vous vous alanguîtes
you all sharpened
ils/elles ils/elles s’alanguirent
they sharpened
Past anterior tense
je me fus alangui
I had sharpened
tu te fus alangui
you had sharpened
il/elle/on se fut alangui
he/she/it had sharpened
nous nous fûmes alanguis
we had sharpened
vous vous fûtes alanguis
you all had sharpened
ils/elles se furent alanguis
they had sharpened
Future perfect tense
je me serai alangui
I will have sharpened
tu te seras alangui
you will have sharpened
il/elle/on se sera alangui
he/she/it will have sharpened
nous nous serons alanguis
we will have sharpened
vous vous serez alanguis
you all will have sharpened
ils/elles se seront alanguis
they will have sharpened
Present subjunctive tense
que je m’alanguisse
that I sharpen
que tu t’alanguisses
that you sharpen
qu’il/elle/on s’alanguisse
that he/she/it sharpen
que nous nous alanguissions
that we sharpen
que vous vous alanguissiez
that you all sharpen
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  s’alanguissent
that they sharpen
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que je me sois alangui
that I have sharpened
que tu te sois alangui
that you have sharpened
qu’il/elle/on se soit alangui
that he/she/it have sharpened
que nous nous soyons alanguis
that we have sharpened
que vous vous soyez alanguis
that you all have sharpened
qu’ils/elles se soient alanguis
that they have sharpened
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je m’alanguisse
that I would sharpen
que tu t’alanguisses
that you would sharpen
qu’il/elle/on s’alanguît
that he/she/it would sharpen
que nous nous alanguissions
that we would sharpen
que vous vous alanguissiez
that you all would sharpen
ils/elles qu’ils/elles  s’alanguissent
that they would sharpen
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que je me fusse alangui
that I had sharpened
que tu te fusses alangui
that you had sharpened
qu’il/elle/on se fût alangui
that he/she/it had sharpened
que nous nous fussions alanguis
that we had sharpened
que vous vous fussiez alanguis
that you all had sharpened
qu’ils/elles se fussent alanguis
that they had sharpened
Conditional mood
je m’alanguirais
I would sharpen
tu tu t’alanguirais
you would sharpen
il/elle/on il/elle/on s’alanguirait
he/she/it would sharpen
nous nous nous alanguirions
we would sharpen
vous vous vous alanguiriez
you all would sharpen
ils/elles ils/elles s’alanguiraient
they would sharpen
Conditional perfect tense
je me serais alangui
I would have sharpened
tu te serais alangui
you would have sharpened
il/elle/on se serait alangui
he/she/it would have sharpened
nous nous serions alanguis
we would have sharpened
vous vous seriez alanguis
you all would have sharpened
ils/elles se seraient alanguis
they would have sharpened
Imperative mood
let's sharpen!

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None found.