Tabasser (to beat up) conjugation

16 examples

Conjugation of tabasser

Present tense
je tabasse
I beat up
tu tabasses
you beat up
il/elle/on tabasse
he/she/it beats up
nous tabassons
we beat up
vous tabassez
you all beat up
ils/elles tabassent
they beat up
Present perfect tense
j’ai tabassé
I beat up
tu as tabassé
you beat up
il/elle/on a tabassé
he/she/it beat up
nous avons tabassé
we beat up
vous avez tabassé
you all beat up
ils/elles ont tabassé
they beat up
Past impf. tense
je tabassais
I was beating up
tu tabassais
you were beating up
il/elle/on tabassait
he/she/it was beating up
nous tabassions
we were beating up
vous tabassiez
you all were beating up
ils/elles tabassaient
they were beating up
Future tense
je tabasserai
I will beat up
tu tabasseras
you will beat up
il/elle/on tabassera
he/she/it will beat up
nous tabasserons
we will beat up
vous tabasserez
you all will beat up
ils/elles tabasseront
they will beat up
Past perfect tense
j’avais tabassé
I had beaten up
tu avais tabassé
you had beaten up
il/elle/on avait tabassé
he/she/it had beaten up
nous avions tabassé
we had beaten up
vous aviez tabassé
you all had beaten up
ils/elles avaient tabassé
they had beaten up
Past preterite tense
je tabassai
I beat up
tu tabassas
you beat up
il/elle/on tabassa
he/she/it beat up
nous tabassâmes
we beat up
vous tabassâtes
you all beat up
ils/elles tabassèrent
they beat up
Past anterior tense
j’eus tabassé
I had beaten up
tu eus tabassé
you had beaten up
il/elle/on eut tabassé
he/she/it had beaten up
nous eûmes tabassé
we had beaten up
vous eûtes tabassé
you all had beaten up
ils/elles eurent tabassé
they had beaten up
Future perfect tense
j’aurai tabassé
I will have beaten up
tu auras tabassé
you will have beaten up
il/elle/on aura tabassé
he/she/it will have beaten up
nous aurons tabassé
we will have beaten up
vous aurez tabassé
you all will have beaten up
ils/elles auront tabassé
they will have beaten up
Present subjunctive tense
que je tabasse
that I beat up
que tu tabasses
that you beat up
qu’il/elle/on tabasse
that he/she/it beat up
que nous tabassions
that we beat up
que vous tabassiez
that you all beat up
qu’ils/elles tabassent
that they beat up
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie tabassé
that I have beaten up
que tu aies tabassé
that you have beaten up
qu’il/elle/on ait tabassé
that he/she/it have beaten up
que nous ayons tabassé
that we have beaten up
que vous ayez tabassé
that you all have beaten up
qu’ils/elles aient tabassé
that they have beaten up
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je tabassasse
that I would beat up
que tu tabassasses
that you would beat up
qu’il/elle/on tabassât
that he/she/it would beat up
que nous tabassassions
that we would beat up
que vous tabassassiez
that you all would beat up
qu’ils/elles tabassassent
that they would beat up
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse tabassé
that I had beaten up
que tu eusses tabassé
that you had beaten up
qu’il/elle/on eût tabassé
that he/she/it had beaten up
que nous eussions tabassé
that we had beaten up
que vous eussiez tabassé
that you all had beaten up
qu’ils/elles eussent tabassé
that they had beaten up
Conditional mood
je tabasserais
I would beat up
tu tabasserais
you would beat up
il/elle/on tabasserait
he/she/it would beat up
nous tabasserions
we would beat up
vous tabasseriez
you all would beat up
ils/elles tabasseraient
they would beat up
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais tabassé
I would have beaten up
tu aurais tabassé
you would have beaten up
il/elle/on aurait tabassé
he/she/it would have beaten up
nous aurions tabassé
we would have beaten up
vous auriez tabassé
you all would have beaten up
ils/elles auraient tabassé
they would have beaten up
Imperative mood
beat up!
let's beat up!
beat up!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie tabassé
have beaten up
ayons tabassé
let's have beaten up
ayez tabassé
have beaten up

Examples of tabasser

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Désolée, je ne voulais pas tabasser des gens que je n'avais jamais vus" ?"Sorry, I didn't mean to beat up folks I'd never met before"?
- Calme-toi! Tu vas pas tabasser tous ceux qui nous cherchent des poux.You can't beat up everyone we have a problem with!
- Comment ne pas vous faire tabasser.It's you not getting beat up. Oh, I'd like to see that.
- Des joueurs de football. Après le match, ils en boivent quelques-unes puis cherchent quelques gays à tabasser.Football players After the game, they go knock back a few and then go looking for a few queers to beat up
- Elle aurait pu nous tabasser !We could've got beat up.
- Il a été tabassé, l'année dernière.He was beaten up a year ago by a gang of youths.
- Kirby a été violemment tabassé.- ... Kirby was pretty badly beaten up.
2 mecs masqués l'ont tabassé.He got beaten up in his garage.
C' est ici qu' on t' a tabassé.This is where you were beaten up.
C'est écrit, personne n'a lu lls l'ont tabasséThey wrote it, never read it But he was certainly beaten up
D'abord, un gang te tabasse.First you got beat up by a gang,
D'où je viens, on ne tabasse pas les aveugles à tort et à travers.We don't just beat up blind people willy-nilly where I come from.
Ecoute, te voir dans cette robe blanche juste avant que je tabasse deux abrutis me rappelle notre mariage.Look, seeing you in that white dress right before I beat up two goobers reminds me of our wedding.
Et ceux qui se font tabasser rejoignent le gang de Minton qui tabasse les coupables.- Well, first he banned rape. It's to the point that anybody gets beat up, they run and join Minton's gang and Minton beats up the bad guy.
Et je n'aime pas qu'on te tabasse et qu'on te tire dessus, mais... je pense que ton travail est important.And I don't love seeing you get beat up and shot, but I think your work is important.
Vous tabassez le peuple pour ouvrir la voie à cet étranger.You beat up people just to clear the way for this westerner

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