Tchatter (to chat) conjugation

6 examples

Conjugation of tchatter

Present tense
je tchatte
I chat
tu tchattes
you chat
il/elle/on tchatte
he/she/it chats
nous tchattons
we chat
vous tchattez
you all chat
ils/elles tchattent
they chat
Present perfect tense
j’ai tchatté
I chatted
tu as tchatté
you chatted
il/elle/on a tchatté
he/she/it chatted
nous avons tchatté
we chatted
vous avez tchatté
you all chatted
ils/elles ont tchatté
they chatted
Past impf. tense
je tchattais
I was chatting
tu tchattais
you were chatting
il/elle/on tchattait
he/she/it was chatting
nous tchattions
we were chatting
vous tchattiez
you all were chatting
ils/elles tchattaient
they were chatting
Future tense
je tchatterai
I will chat
tu tchatteras
you will chat
il/elle/on tchattera
he/she/it will chat
nous tchatterons
we will chat
vous tchatterez
you all will chat
ils/elles tchatteront
they will chat
Past perfect tense
j’avais tchatté
I had chatted
tu avais tchatté
you had chatted
il/elle/on avait tchatté
he/she/it had chatted
nous avions tchatté
we had chatted
vous aviez tchatté
you all had chatted
ils/elles avaient tchatté
they had chatted
Past preterite tense
je tchattai
I chatted
tu tchattas
you chatted
il/elle/on tchatta
he/she/it chatted
nous tchattâmes
we chatted
vous tchattâtes
you all chatted
ils/elles tchattèrent
they chatted
Past anterior tense
j’eus tchatté
I had chatted
tu eus tchatté
you had chatted
il/elle/on eut tchatté
he/she/it had chatted
nous eûmes tchatté
we had chatted
vous eûtes tchatté
you all had chatted
ils/elles eurent tchatté
they had chatted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai tchatté
I will have chatted
tu auras tchatté
you will have chatted
il/elle/on aura tchatté
he/she/it will have chatted
nous aurons tchatté
we will have chatted
vous aurez tchatté
you all will have chatted
ils/elles auront tchatté
they will have chatted
Present subjunctive tense
que je tchatte
that I chat
que tu tchattes
that you chat
qu’il/elle/on tchatte
that he/she/it chat
que nous tchattions
that we chat
que vous tchattiez
that you all chat
qu’ils/elles tchattent
that they chat
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie tchatté
that I have chatted
que tu aies tchatté
that you have chatted
qu’il/elle/on ait tchatté
that he/she/it have chatted
que nous ayons tchatté
that we have chatted
que vous ayez tchatté
that you all have chatted
qu’ils/elles aient tchatté
that they have chatted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je tchattasse
that I would chat
que tu tchattasses
that you would chat
qu’il/elle/on tchattât
that he/she/it would chat
que nous tchattassions
that we would chat
que vous tchattassiez
that you all would chat
qu’ils/elles tchattassent
that they would chat
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse tchatté
that I had chatted
que tu eusses tchatté
that you had chatted
qu’il/elle/on eût tchatté
that he/she/it had chatted
que nous eussions tchatté
that we had chatted
que vous eussiez tchatté
that you all had chatted
qu’ils/elles eussent tchatté
that they had chatted
Conditional mood
je tchatterais
I would chat
tu tchatterais
you would chat
il/elle/on tchatterait
he/she/it would chat
nous tchatterions
we would chat
vous tchatteriez
you all would chat
ils/elles tchatteraient
they would chat
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais tchatté
I would have chatted
tu aurais tchatté
you would have chatted
il/elle/on aurait tchatté
he/she/it would have chatted
nous aurions tchatté
we would have chatted
vous auriez tchatté
you all would have chatted
ils/elles auraient tchatté
they would have chatted
Imperative mood
let's chat!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie tchatté
have chatted
ayons tchatté
let's have chatted
ayez tchatté
have chatted

Examples of tchatter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Je vois aussi qui d'autre est branché sur cette carte, je peux tchatter avec lui en temps réel et avoir des infos.And then I can see who else has Pouncer on the same exact map. And I can chat with them in real time. And be like, "Hey!
On tchatte de temps en temps. On parle de sushi.I just chat with him sometimes.
On tchatte, c'est tout. Et on apprend à se connaître, et on accepte de se voir si affinités.You chat, you get to know each other, and you agree to meet up, if you like each other.
On tchatte.We still chat online.
Ouais, ils se sont connu sur un site de tchatte.Yeah, they got to know each other in some on-line chat.
C'est pas bizarre, moi tchattant avec toi à des kilomètres loin de l'autre ?Mmm-mm. Isn't this weird, me video-chatting with you a thousand miles away?

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