Toucher (to touch) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of toucher

Present tense
je touche
I touch
tu touches
you touch
il/elle/on touche
he/she/it touches
nous touchons
we touch
vous touchez
you all touch
ils/elles touchent
they touch
Present perfect tense
j’ai touché
I touched
tu as touché
you touched
il/elle/on a touché
he/she/it touched
nous avons touché
we touched
vous avez touché
you all touched
ils/elles ont touché
they touched
Past impf. tense
je touchais
I was touching
tu touchais
you were touching
il/elle/on touchait
he/she/it was touching
nous touchions
we were touching
vous touchiez
you all were touching
ils/elles touchaient
they were touching
Future tense
je toucherai
I will touch
tu toucheras
you will touch
il/elle/on touchera
he/she/it will touch
nous toucherons
we will touch
vous toucherez
you all will touch
ils/elles toucheront
they will touch
Past perfect tense
j’avais touché
I had touched
tu avais touché
you had touched
il/elle/on avait touché
he/she/it had touched
nous avions touché
we had touched
vous aviez touché
you all had touched
ils/elles avaient touché
they had touched
Past preterite tense
je touchai
I touched
tu touchas
you touched
il/elle/on toucha
he/she/it touched
nous touchâmes
we touched
vous touchâtes
you all touched
ils/elles touchèrent
they touched
Past anterior tense
j’eus touché
I had touched
tu eus touché
you had touched
il/elle/on eut touché
he/she/it had touched
nous eûmes touché
we had touched
vous eûtes touché
you all had touched
ils/elles eurent touché
they had touched
Future perfect tense
j’aurai touché
I will have touched
tu auras touché
you will have touched
il/elle/on aura touché
he/she/it will have touched
nous aurons touché
we will have touched
vous aurez touché
you all will have touched
ils/elles auront touché
they will have touched
Present subjunctive tense
que je touche
that I touch
que tu touches
that you touch
qu’il/elle/on touche
that he/she/it touch
que nous touchions
that we touch
que vous touchiez
that you all touch
qu’ils/elles touchent
that they touch
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie touché
that I have touched
que tu aies touché
that you have touched
qu’il/elle/on ait touché
that he/she/it have touched
que nous ayons touché
that we have touched
que vous ayez touché
that you all have touched
qu’ils/elles aient touché
that they have touched
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je touchasse
that I would touch
que tu touchasses
that you would touch
qu’il/elle/on touchât
that he/she/it would touch
que nous touchassions
that we would touch
que vous touchassiez
that you all would touch
qu’ils/elles touchassent
that they would touch
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse touché
that I had touched
que tu eusses touché
that you had touched
qu’il/elle/on eût touché
that he/she/it had touched
que nous eussions touché
that we had touched
que vous eussiez touché
that you all had touched
qu’ils/elles eussent touché
that they had touched
Conditional mood
je toucherais
I would touch
tu toucherais
you would touch
il/elle/on toucherait
he/she/it would touch
nous toucherions
we would touch
vous toucheriez
you all would touch
ils/elles toucheraient
they would touch
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais touché
I would have touched
tu aurais touché
you would have touched
il/elle/on aurait touché
he/she/it would have touched
nous aurions touché
we would have touched
vous auriez touché
you all would have touched
ils/elles auraient touché
they would have touched
Imperative mood
let's touch!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie touché
have touched
ayons touché
let's have touched
ayez touché
have touched

Examples of toucher

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
" Et puis le sceller et de ne jamais y toucher.""And then seal it and never touch it again."
" Son toucher me fait encore frissonner sa chaleur me rend entier"."Her touch still makes me shiver, her warmth still makes me whole."
""Combien de mois déjà sans te voir, sans te parler,.. ""..sans te toucher ?""How many months already without seeing you, without talking too you without touching you? "
"C'est ma fesse" et arrête de toucher son cul!"That's my ass cheek" and stop touching his butt!
"Ce que je peux toucher, entendre, sentir... ou avaler !""Things l can touch, taste, hear, see, smell and swallow."
" Lips , touché lèvres , touché sang . ""Lips, touched lips, touched blood."
"A 14 ans, plus de 25% des garçons... ont touché le...""By the age of 14, more than 25% have touched a girl's... "
"Car le monde est creux et j'ai touché le ciel.""For the world is hollow and I have touched the sky."
"Il ne t'a jamais touché, et je n'ai jamais perdu connaissance..."Rahul: 'He never touched you, and I never passed out...'
"J'ai touché un sein !""I touched a tit!
! - Ne me touche pas!- Don't you touch me.
" touche le ciel."I touch the skies."
"Avalanche", avec une touche... de "Mio Amore".avalanche, with a touch of mio amore.
"Celui qui touche à ma fille, je le tue.""And if someone touches a child and killed him."
"De ton mariage avec la créature qui touche le ciel, que Dieu te garde.""From thy wedding with the creature who touches heaven, lady, -
"Attrapez-la en ville mais ne la touchez pas avnt, j'ai un contrat""do it in the city, I won't let you touch her over here. I have a contract"
"N'y touchez pas.""Don't touch it."
"N'y touchez pas."Don't touch a one of them.
"N'y touchez surtout pas."It says, "Don't touch him."
"Ne me touchez pas", dit-elle."Don't touch me," she says.
" En touchant des lèvres , du coin de rêves . ""By touching of lips, from the corner of dreams."
" En touchant des lèvres ... ""By touching of lips..."
"C'est si touchant de l'entendre sangloter"It's just so touching
"C'est si touchant de les entendre"It's just so touching Hear them say
"J'ai fait une conquête!" II est drôle, touchant... et la fin est...I think it's very funny, incredibly touching and the end is just hard to....

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