Transfigurer (to transfigure) conjugation

2 examples

Conjugation of transfigurer

Present tense
je transfigure
I transfigure
tu transfigures
you transfigure
il/elle/on transfigure
he/she/it transfigures
nous transfigurons
we transfigure
vous transfigurez
you all transfigure
ils/elles transfigurent
they transfigure
Present perfect tense
j’ai transfiguré
I transfigured
tu as transfiguré
you transfigured
il/elle/on a transfiguré
he/she/it transfigured
nous avons transfiguré
we transfigured
vous avez transfiguré
you all transfigured
ils/elles ont transfiguré
they transfigured
Past impf. tense
je transfigurais
I was transfiguring
tu transfigurais
you were transfiguring
il/elle/on transfigurait
he/she/it was transfiguring
nous transfigurions
we were transfiguring
vous transfiguriez
you all were transfiguring
ils/elles transfiguraient
they were transfiguring
Future tense
je transfigurerai
I will transfigure
tu transfigureras
you will transfigure
il/elle/on transfigurera
he/she/it will transfigure
nous transfigurerons
we will transfigure
vous transfigurerez
you all will transfigure
ils/elles transfigureront
they will transfigure
Past perfect tense
j’avais transfiguré
I had transfigured
tu avais transfiguré
you had transfigured
il/elle/on avait transfiguré
he/she/it had transfigured
nous avions transfiguré
we had transfigured
vous aviez transfiguré
you all had transfigured
ils/elles avaient transfiguré
they had transfigured
Past preterite tense
je transfigurai
I transfigured
tu transfiguras
you transfigured
il/elle/on transfigura
he/she/it transfigured
nous transfigurâmes
we transfigured
vous transfigurâtes
you all transfigured
ils/elles transfigurèrent
they transfigured
Past anterior tense
j’eus transfiguré
I had transfigured
tu eus transfiguré
you had transfigured
il/elle/on eut transfiguré
he/she/it had transfigured
nous eûmes transfiguré
we had transfigured
vous eûtes transfiguré
you all had transfigured
ils/elles eurent transfiguré
they had transfigured
Future perfect tense
j’aurai transfiguré
I will have transfigured
tu auras transfiguré
you will have transfigured
il/elle/on aura transfiguré
he/she/it will have transfigured
nous aurons transfiguré
we will have transfigured
vous aurez transfiguré
you all will have transfigured
ils/elles auront transfiguré
they will have transfigured
Present subjunctive tense
que je transfigure
that I transfigure
que tu transfigures
that you transfigure
qu’il/elle/on transfigure
that he/she/it transfigure
que nous transfigurions
that we transfigure
que vous transfiguriez
that you all transfigure
qu’ils/elles transfigurent
that they transfigure
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie transfiguré
that I have transfigured
que tu aies transfiguré
that you have transfigured
qu’il/elle/on ait transfiguré
that he/she/it have transfigured
que nous ayons transfiguré
that we have transfigured
que vous ayez transfiguré
that you all have transfigured
qu’ils/elles aient transfiguré
that they have transfigured
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je transfigurasse
that I would transfigure
que tu transfigurasses
that you would transfigure
qu’il/elle/on transfigurât
that he/she/it would transfigure
que nous transfigurassions
that we would transfigure
que vous transfigurassiez
that you all would transfigure
qu’ils/elles transfigurassent
that they would transfigure
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse transfiguré
that I had transfigured
que tu eusses transfiguré
that you had transfigured
qu’il/elle/on eût transfiguré
that he/she/it had transfigured
que nous eussions transfiguré
that we had transfigured
que vous eussiez transfiguré
that you all had transfigured
qu’ils/elles eussent transfiguré
that they had transfigured
Conditional mood
je transfigurerais
I would transfigure
tu transfigurerais
you would transfigure
il/elle/on transfigurerait
he/she/it would transfigure
nous transfigurerions
we would transfigure
vous transfigureriez
you all would transfigure
ils/elles transfigureraient
they would transfigure
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais transfiguré
I would have transfigured
tu aurais transfiguré
you would have transfigured
il/elle/on aurait transfiguré
he/she/it would have transfigured
nous aurions transfiguré
we would have transfigured
vous auriez transfiguré
you all would have transfigured
ils/elles auraient transfiguré
they would have transfigured
Imperative mood
let's transfigure!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie transfiguré
have transfigured
ayons transfiguré
let's have transfigured
ayez transfiguré
have transfigured

Examples of transfigurer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"Cela a complètement transfiguré le Wesen"Completely transfigured the Wesen
L'oeil voit. Le souvenir... revoit les choses... et l'imagination est celle qui "transvoit"... qui transfigure Ie monde... qui crée un autre monde pour Ie poète et l'artiste en général.The eye sees... memory... reviews things... and imagination is what "transsees"... transfigures the world... which makes another world for the poet and the artist in general.

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