Transformer (to transform) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of transformer

Present tense
je transforme
I transform
tu transformes
you transform
il/elle/on transforme
he/she/it transforms
nous transformons
we transform
vous transformez
you all transform
ils/elles transforment
they transform
Present perfect tense
j’ai transformé
I transformed
tu as transformé
you transformed
il/elle/on a transformé
he/she/it transformed
nous avons transformé
we transformed
vous avez transformé
you all transformed
ils/elles ont transformé
they transformed
Past impf. tense
je transformais
I was transforming
tu transformais
you were transforming
il/elle/on transformait
he/she/it was transforming
nous transformions
we were transforming
vous transformiez
you all were transforming
ils/elles transformaient
they were transforming
Future tense
je transformerai
I will transform
tu transformeras
you will transform
il/elle/on transformera
he/she/it will transform
nous transformerons
we will transform
vous transformerez
you all will transform
ils/elles transformeront
they will transform
Past perfect tense
j’avais transformé
I had transformed
tu avais transformé
you had transformed
il/elle/on avait transformé
he/she/it had transformed
nous avions transformé
we had transformed
vous aviez transformé
you all had transformed
ils/elles avaient transformé
they had transformed
Past preterite tense
je transformai
I transformed
tu transformas
you transformed
il/elle/on transforma
he/she/it transformed
nous transformâmes
we transformed
vous transformâtes
you all transformed
ils/elles transformèrent
they transformed
Past anterior tense
j’eus transformé
I had transformed
tu eus transformé
you had transformed
il/elle/on eut transformé
he/she/it had transformed
nous eûmes transformé
we had transformed
vous eûtes transformé
you all had transformed
ils/elles eurent transformé
they had transformed
Future perfect tense
j’aurai transformé
I will have transformed
tu auras transformé
you will have transformed
il/elle/on aura transformé
he/she/it will have transformed
nous aurons transformé
we will have transformed
vous aurez transformé
you all will have transformed
ils/elles auront transformé
they will have transformed
Present subjunctive tense
que je transforme
that I transform
que tu transformes
that you transform
qu’il/elle/on transforme
that he/she/it transform
que nous transformions
that we transform
que vous transformiez
that you all transform
qu’ils/elles transforment
that they transform
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie transformé
that I have transformed
que tu aies transformé
that you have transformed
qu’il/elle/on ait transformé
that he/she/it have transformed
que nous ayons transformé
that we have transformed
que vous ayez transformé
that you all have transformed
qu’ils/elles aient transformé
that they have transformed
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je transformasse
that I would transform
que tu transformasses
that you would transform
qu’il/elle/on transformât
that he/she/it would transform
que nous transformassions
that we would transform
que vous transformassiez
that you all would transform
qu’ils/elles transformassent
that they would transform
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse transformé
that I had transformed
que tu eusses transformé
that you had transformed
qu’il/elle/on eût transformé
that he/she/it had transformed
que nous eussions transformé
that we had transformed
que vous eussiez transformé
that you all had transformed
qu’ils/elles eussent transformé
that they had transformed
Conditional mood
je transformerais
I would transform
tu transformerais
you would transform
il/elle/on transformerait
he/she/it would transform
nous transformerions
we would transform
vous transformeriez
you all would transform
ils/elles transformeraient
they would transform
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais transformé
I would have transformed
tu aurais transformé
you would have transformed
il/elle/on aurait transformé
he/she/it would have transformed
nous aurions transformé
we would have transformed
vous auriez transformé
you all would have transformed
ils/elles auraient transformé
they would have transformed
Imperative mood
let's transform!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie transformé
have transformed
ayons transformé
let's have transformed
ayez transformé
have transformed

Examples of transformer

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
" Il attend peut-être de se transformer enquelquechosedesupérieur."It perhaps is waiting to be transformed into something higher.
"Durant la dernière décennie, "Carl Casper a trouvé le moyen de transformer"Over the last decade, Carl Casper has somehow managed to transform himself
"Et le magique poison qui sut transformer ma pensée."the magic venom that transforms my thoughts."
"Je vois le monde se transformer doucement en étendue sauvage."I see the world being slowly transformed into a wilderness.
"La chose la plus authentique à notre sujet est notre capacité à créer, à surmonter, à endurer, à transformer, à aimer, et à dépasser notre souffrance.""the most authentic thing about us "Is our capacity to create, to overcome, "To endure, to transform,
"La Dolce Vita" a transformé mon âme.La Dolce Vita has transformed my soul.
"de ceux là, ceux qu'il a transformé en singes et porcs, ceux là qui glorifient le mal.""of whom some he transformed into apes and swine, those who worshipped evil."
"l'a transformé à son arrivée en vieillard méconnaissable."transformed him on arrival into an unrecognisable old man.
"plus vite il sera libéré, "transformé,"...the sooner he is set free, transformed...
- Ce qui a transformé Raina...- Whatever transformed Raina...
"Ca va dire, Sanjay se transforme en une femme !"''Meaning, Sanjay gets transformed into a female from a male.'
"Rien ne se perd, tout se transforme.""Nothing is wasted, everything is transformed. "
- Quand une personne fait une bonne action ça ne créait pas seulement plus de bienfaits, ça se transforme en quelque chose de beaucoup mieu dans un cadeau pour leur semblable donc je vous donne, Eve Baird, tous les bienfaits de l'humanitéWhen a person commits an act of goodwill, it does not just create more goodwill, it transforms into something better, into a gift for their fellow man. So I give you, Eve Baird, all of humanity's goodwill.
Alors que Batman passe de justicier à citoyen modèle de Gotham, Superman se transforme aussi, passant de dur champion de la justice sociale à un personnage de l'establishment.As Batman transforms from vigilante to Gotham City's leading citizen Superman gets his own makeover from a rough-and-tumble social crusader to an establishment figure.
Alors que l'eau arrive dans l'Okavango, une grande région du Kalahari se transforme en paradis fertile.As the water sweeps into the Okavango a vast area of the Kalahari is transformed into a fertile paradise.
- Dans votre esprit tordu, vous croyez vraiment que vous aidez ces femmes, que vous les perfectionnez, les transformez.- In your twisted mind, you actually believe that you're helping these women, that you're perfecting them, transforming them.
- Vous transformez le musée ?- You're transforming the museum.
Autobots, transformez-vous et fuyez !Autobots, transform and roll out!
Autobots, transformez-vous et...Autobots, transform and rol...
Libérez vos grands pouvoirs et transformez ma potion.Deliver your awesome power and transform my potion.
"Peur de toute forme susceptible "de déclencher un amour transformant,"... fear of anything that could inspire in us a transforming love,
C'était à propos, je pense, d'événements de vie se transformant.It used to be, I think, about... life events transforming.
Commenombred' entrevous le savent récemment Massimo chef... adécidéde financer l'expansion de James Holt transformant ainsi le travail de cet artiste visionnaire en une marque internationale, ce qui est une entreprise passionnante.Um, as many of you know... uh, recently Massimo Corteleoni... has agreed to finance the expansion of the James Holt label... transforming the work of this visionary artist... into a global brand, which is really an exciting enterprise.
Fais attention. On a pas besoin d'une vidéo de toi te transformant sur Youtube.Just be careful.The last thing we need is camera-phone footage of you transforming on youtube.
Hooli c'est de l'innovation technologique et ça fait une différence, en transformant le monde que nous connaissons.Hooli is about innovative technology that makes a difference, transforming the world as we know it.

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