Voltiger (to flit) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of voltiger

Present tense
je voltige
I flit
tu voltiges
you flit
il/elle/on voltige
he/she/it flits
nous voltigeons
we flit
vous voltigez
you all flit
ils/elles voltigent
they flit
Present perfect tense
j’ai voltigé
I flitted
tu as voltigé
you flitted
il/elle/on a voltigé
he/she/it flitted
nous avons voltigé
we flitted
vous avez voltigé
you all flitted
ils/elles ont voltigé
they flitted
Past impf. tense
je voltigeais
I was flitting
tu voltigeais
you were flitting
il/elle/on voltigeait
he/she/it was flitting
nous voltigions
we were flitting
vous voltigiez
you all were flitting
ils/elles voltigeaient
they were flitting
Future tense
je voltigerai
I will flit
tu voltigeras
you will flit
il/elle/on voltigera
he/she/it will flit
nous voltigerons
we will flit
vous voltigerez
you all will flit
ils/elles voltigeront
they will flit
Past perfect tense
j’avais voltigé
I had flitted
tu avais voltigé
you had flitted
il/elle/on avait voltigé
he/she/it had flitted
nous avions voltigé
we had flitted
vous aviez voltigé
you all had flitted
ils/elles avaient voltigé
they had flitted
Past preterite tense
je voltigeai
I flitted
tu voltigeas
you flitted
il/elle/on voltigea
he/she/it flitted
nous voltigeâmes
we flitted
vous voltigeâtes
you all flitted
ils/elles voltigèrent
they flitted
Past anterior tense
j’eus voltigé
I had flitted
tu eus voltigé
you had flitted
il/elle/on eut voltigé
he/she/it had flitted
nous eûmes voltigé
we had flitted
vous eûtes voltigé
you all had flitted
ils/elles eurent voltigé
they had flitted
Future perfect tense
j’aurai voltigé
I will have flitted
tu auras voltigé
you will have flitted
il/elle/on aura voltigé
he/she/it will have flitted
nous aurons voltigé
we will have flitted
vous aurez voltigé
you all will have flitted
ils/elles auront voltigé
they will have flitted
Present subjunctive tense
que je voltige
that I flit
que tu voltiges
that you flit
qu’il/elle/on voltige
that he/she/it flit
que nous voltigions
that we flit
que vous voltigiez
that you all flit
qu’ils/elles voltigent
that they flit
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie voltigé
that I have flitted
que tu aies voltigé
that you have flitted
qu’il/elle/on ait voltigé
that he/she/it have flitted
que nous ayons voltigé
that we have flitted
que vous ayez voltigé
that you all have flitted
qu’ils/elles aient voltigé
that they have flitted
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je voltigeasse
that I would flit
que tu voltigeasses
that you would flit
qu’il/elle/on voltigeât
that he/she/it would flit
que nous voltigeassions
that we would flit
que vous voltigeassiez
that you all would flit
qu’ils/elles voltigeassent
that they would flit
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse voltigé
that I had flitted
que tu eusses voltigé
that you had flitted
qu’il/elle/on eût voltigé
that he/she/it had flitted
que nous eussions voltigé
that we had flitted
que vous eussiez voltigé
that you all had flitted
qu’ils/elles eussent voltigé
that they had flitted
Conditional mood
je voltigerais
I would flit
tu voltigerais
you would flit
il/elle/on voltigerait
he/she/it would flit
nous voltigerions
we would flit
vous voltigeriez
you all would flit
ils/elles voltigeraient
they would flit
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais voltigé
I would have flitted
tu aurais voltigé
you would have flitted
il/elle/on aurait voltigé
he/she/it would have flitted
nous aurions voltigé
we would have flitted
vous auriez voltigé
you all would have flitted
ils/elles auraient voltigé
they would have flitted
Imperative mood
let's flit!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie voltigé
have flitted
ayons voltigé
let's have flitted
ayez voltigé
have flitted

Examples of voltiger

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Doit être passionnant pour voltiger d'un camp à l'autre servir selon seigneur ou dame vous avez envie.Must be exciting to flit from one camp to the next serving whichever lord or lady you fancy.
Nous ne pouvons pas voltiger autour disant que nous allons empêcher les morts de mourir.We can't just flit around saying we're gonna keep the dead from dying.
Tu peux voltiger ?Can you give me a flitter?
Depuis la mort de papa, j'ai voltigé d'un homme à l'autre.Ever since your father died, I've just flitted from man to man.
Si une fille, avec ses mains dans la jarre à biscuits, pense qu'elle est si maligne et voltige çà et là, que connait-elle de la passion ?If there's a girl with her hands in the cookie jar thinking she's so clever and flitting hither and thither whatdoessheknowofpassion?

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