Berakar (to do) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of berakar

Present tense
I do
Past tense
sudah berakar
I did
Present perfect tense
sudah berakar
I have done
Future perfect tense
akan sudah berakar
I will have done
Future recent tense
berakar nanti
I will do
Future distant tense
berakar kelak
I am going to do
Present continuous tense
sedang berakar
I do
Past distant tense
dulu berakar
I (a long time ago) did
Past recent tense
berakar tadi
I (recently) did
Past very recent tense
baru saja berakar
I (just now) did

Examples of berakar

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Karena kita tidak mencari hanya membeli meter persegi perumahan, sudah benar-benar ingin berakar.Yeah, 'cause we're not just looking at buying square footage, but really put down some roots.
Tanaman apapun - itu adalah macet di tempat, itu berakar ke bawah.Of any plant -- it's stuck in place, it's rooted down.
Mungkin di jantung itu juga merupakan isu yang paling berakar bagi banyak orang yang mulai mempertanyakan mereka masyarakat dan bahkan mempertanyakan, jika Anda mau, moralitas masyarakat dan nilai-nilai agama mereka dibesarkan dengan, yang turun ke sifat Allah.Probably at the heart of it also is the most rooted issue for many who begin to question their society and even question, if you will, the morality of the society and the religious values they were raised with, which get down to the nature of God.
Pertama yaitu bagaimana ia berakarThe first is to do with its roots.
Bagian yang sulit ini, adalah bahwa mereka begitu dalam berakar di sini karena hubungan keluarga dan karena cita-cita agama, bahwa mendapatkan orang-orang ini untuk mendorong keluar pemberontakan dan pada dasarnya mendorong keluar anggota keluarga mereka akan menjadi bagian yang sulit.The hard part is, is that they're so deeply rooted down here because of family ties and because of religious ideals, that getting these people to push out the insurgency and basically push out their family members is going to be the hard part.

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