Berbaris (to march) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of berbaris

Present tense
I march
Past tense
sudah berbaris
I marched
Present perfect tense
sudah berbaris
I have marched
Future perfect tense
akan sudah berbaris
I will have marched
Future recent tense
berbaris nanti
I will march
Future distant tense
berbaris kelak
I am going to march
Present continuous tense
sedang berbaris
I march
Past distant tense
dulu berbaris
I (a long time ago) marched
Past recent tense
berbaris tadi
I (recently) marched
Past very recent tense
baru saja berbaris
I (just now) marched

Examples of berbaris

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Kemudian kita harus berbaris ke selatan dan merebut istana Cahir.Then we must march south and take Cahir Castle.
Mereka sedang berbaris ke tengah kota, dari daerah yang kumuhThey marched from the townships, from the slums.
Robert dan Ned Stark - mereka adalah pahlawan, berbaris melakukan pemberontakan mulia dari pertempuran ke pertempuran, membebaskan kota dari Raja Gila sementara saya mempertahankan Storm's End dengan 500 pria.Robert and Ned Stark-- they were the heroes, the glorious rebels marching from battle to battle, liberating towns from the yoke of the Mad King while I held Storm's End with 500 men.
Mereka sudah berbaris baik. "Mereka kembali disiplin.They already march well. They're disciplined.
St Nazaire akan bergabung dengan kami ketika kita berbaris pada hari Kamis.Saint-Nazaire will join us when we march on Thursday.

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