Berdamai (to make peace) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of berdamai

Present tense
I make peace
Past tense
sudah berdamai
I made peace
Present perfect tense
sudah berdamai
I have made peace
Future perfect tense
akan sudah berdamai
I will have made peace
Future recent tense
berdamai nanti
I will make peace
Future distant tense
berdamai kelak
I am going to make peace
Present continuous tense
sedang berdamai
I make peace
Past distant tense
dulu berdamai
I (a long time ago) made peace
Past recent tense
berdamai tadi
I (recently) made peace
Past very recent tense
baru saja berdamai
I (just now) made peace

Examples of berdamai

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Meski aku bisa berdamai dengan Achilles, ia takkan mendengar perintahku!Even if I could make peace with Achilles, the man won't listen to me!
Aku tidak memintamu berdamai untuk menyelamatkan dirimu.I'm not asking you to make peace to save your skin.
Jangan lupa, kau bisa berperang dengan siapapun namun kau berdamai hanya dengan pria terhormat.Don't forget you can battle with anyone but you make peace only with honorable men.
Hei, Darkos, ayo kita berdamai.Hey, Darcose, let's make peace.
Dengan begitu..., Aku bisa berdamai dengan dan sesama orang Kristen. Bukan musuh.That way, I can make peace with a friend and fellow Christian, and not an enemy.

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