Bergumul (to wrestle) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of bergumul

Present tense
I wrestle
Past tense
sudah bergumul
I wrestled
Present perfect tense
sudah bergumul
I have wrestled
Future perfect tense
akan sudah bergumul
I will have wrestled
Future recent tense
bergumul nanti
I will wrestle
Future distant tense
bergumul kelak
I am going to wrestle
Present continuous tense
sedang bergumul
I wrestle
Past distant tense
dulu bergumul
I (a long time ago) wrestled
Past recent tense
bergumul tadi
I (recently) wrestled
Past very recent tense
baru saja bergumul
I (just now) wrestled

Examples of bergumul

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Saya sering bergumul dengan pertanyaan itu .I have often wrestled with that question.
Ayahku bergumul dengan susah payah dengan panduan jenis tumbuhan dan pohon nya.My father wrestled courageously with his flora and tree type guides.
Saya ingin melihat yang pertama bergumul dengan salah satu makhluk ini dan bilang, "saya lapar".I'd like to see the first guy who wrestled one of these things and go, "I'm hungry."
l bergumul di Purdue.l wrestled at Purdue.
Saya bergumul sedikit kecil di perguruan tinggi.I wrestled a little bit in college.

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