Berkeliaran (to roam) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of berkeliaran

Present tense
I roam
Past tense
sudah berkeliaran
I roamed
Present perfect tense
sudah berkeliaran
I have roamed
Future perfect tense
akan sudah berkeliaran
I will have roamed
Future recent tense
berkeliaran nanti
I will roam
Future distant tense
berkeliaran kelak
I am going to roam
Present continuous tense
sedang berkeliaran
I roam
Past distant tense
dulu berkeliaran
I (a long time ago) roamed
Past recent tense
berkeliaran tadi
I (recently) roamed
Past very recent tense
baru saja berkeliaran
I (just now) roamed

Examples of berkeliaran

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Hal ini di luar sana berkeliaran lorong-lorong.It's out there roaming the halls.
# Dimana unta kafilah berkeliaran #Where the caravan camels roam
Homo habilis, nenek moyang kita, yang berkeliaran di dataran Afrika, dan seperti yang sinar terang perjalanan melalui luasnya ruang, kami spesies berevolusi, dan ribuan dan beribu-ribu generasi manusia hidup dan meninggal, dan kemudian 2,5 juta tahunHomo habilis, our distant ancestors, were roaming the plains of Africa, and as those light rays travelled through the vastness of space, our species evolved, and thousands and thousands and thousands of generations of humans lived
ia tidur di tanah yang dingin di gelap hutan beringin, jati, dan sal yang menutupi polos timur laut; menakutkan tempat binatang liar berkeliaran dan roh berbahaya dikatakan untuk hidup.he slept on the cold ground in the dark forests of banyan, teak, and sal that covered the northeastern plain; frightening places where wild animals roamed and dangerous spirits were said to live.
Lihatlah saya memperingatkan Anda berhenti berkeliaran dengan Divya itu.Look i am warning you stop roaming around with that divya. - What? Of course.

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