Berolahraga (to sport) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of berolahraga

Present tense
I sport
Past tense
sudah berolahraga
I sported
Present perfect tense
sudah berolahraga
I have sported
Future perfect tense
akan sudah berolahraga
I will have sported
Future recent tense
berolahraga nanti
I will sport
Future distant tense
berolahraga kelak
I am going to sport
Present continuous tense
sedang berolahraga
I sport
Past distant tense
dulu berolahraga
I (a long time ago) sported
Past recent tense
berolahraga tadi
I (recently) sported
Past very recent tense
baru saja berolahraga
I (just now) sported

Examples of berolahraga

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Kami mencari perhatian, dan menolak menyia2kan masa muda kami utk berolahraga.We crave attention, and refuse to waste our precious youth on sports.
Kau tahu, kau sedang berolahraga sangat sangat baik malam ini.You know, you've been a really, really good sport tonight.
Kau makhluk jelek nan menyeramkan..,.. Dan mungkin akan diburu untuk berolahraga.You're hideously disfigured... and will probably be hunted for sport.
Seperti ketika pintu RS. jiwa dibuka penghuninya bebas keluar berolahraga.It looks like an insane asylum was opened up and all the inmates were allowed to create a sport.
Jadi kau sering berolahraga?So do you play sports?

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