Berpisah (to split) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of berpisah

Present tense
I split
Past tense
sudah berpisah
I split
Present perfect tense
sudah berpisah
I have split
Future perfect tense
akan sudah berpisah
I will have split
Future recent tense
berpisah nanti
I will split
Future distant tense
berpisah kelak
I am going to split
Present continuous tense
sedang berpisah
I split
Past distant tense
dulu berpisah
I (a long time ago) split
Past recent tense
berpisah tadi
I (recently) split
Past very recent tense
baru saja berpisah
I (just now) split

Examples of berpisah

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Mereka harus berpisah dan pergi ke arah yang berbeda menghancurkan semua makanan dan pasokan air yang mereka temukan prajurit Han akan melemah sebelum mencapai melewati gunung JintaiThey must split up and go in different directions destroying all food and water supplies they find The Han army will be weakened before it reaches the Jintai mountain pass
Kenapa berpisah?Why did you split up?
... lalu aku dan Scooby berpisah dulu untuk pengisian ulang (makan)Then Scooby and I are gonna split and refuel.
OK, kita harus berpisah ketika kita sampai.All right, we should split up when we hit the ground.
Saat kau keluar, aku tahu kalian harus berpisah.When you get out, i realize you're gonna have to split.

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