Bersimpuh (to kneel) conjugation

3 examples

Conjugation of bersimpuh

Present tense
I kneel
Past tense
sudah bersimpuh
I knelt
Present perfect tense
sudah bersimpuh
I have knelt
Future perfect tense
akan sudah bersimpuh
I will have knelt
Future recent tense
bersimpuh nanti
I will kneel
Future distant tense
bersimpuh kelak
I am going to kneel
Present continuous tense
sedang bersimpuh
I kneel
Past distant tense
dulu bersimpuh
I (a long time ago) knelt
Past recent tense
bersimpuh tadi
I (recently) knelt
Past very recent tense
baru saja bersimpuh
I (just now) knelt

Examples of bersimpuh

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Leonidas. Kemenanganmu akan sempurna. Bila saja kau mau bersimpuh di hadapan Xerxes.Leonidas, your victory will be complete if you but lay down your arms and kneel to holy Xerxes.
Jika di kaki Sang Pencipta, aku bersimpuh dan Dia menganugerahiku kekuatan penyembuh .tak ada obat yang ayahku damba selain doa dari anda, Yang Mulia Paduka.If at the Creator's feet I did kneel, and she were to grant me the power to heal, no greater balm could my father desire, than the wishes that issue from you, my dear sire.
Dengan kekuasaan dewa Horus kau kan bersimpuh di hadapan kami# By the might of Horus you will kneel before us #

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