Bertiup (to blow) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of bertiup

Present tense
I blow
Past tense
sudah bertiup
I blew
Present perfect tense
sudah bertiup
I have blown
Future perfect tense
akan sudah bertiup
I will have blown
Future recent tense
bertiup nanti
I will blow
Future distant tense
bertiup kelak
I am going to blow
Present continuous tense
sedang bertiup
I blow
Past distant tense
dulu bertiup
I (a long time ago) blew
Past recent tense
bertiup tadi
I (recently) blew
Past very recent tense
baru saja bertiup
I (just now) blew

Examples of bertiup

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Kami telah pikiran bertiup rencana.We have a mind blowing plan.
Hembusan janji bertukar menjadi angin. Angin yang bertiup di seluruh Yunani membawa pesanan yang disampaikan berkali-kali oleh dewi kemerdekaan. Dan kebijaksanaannya memaksa Leonidas meletakkan semuanya di kaki dia.That breeze... that promise, became a wind, a wind that is blown across Greece... carrying a message told again and again... of our Lady Freedom and how wise she was... to charge Leonidas to lay all at her feet.
Anginnya bertiup.The wind is blowing.
Pada saat yang sama angin bertiup dan menyapu kabut ke daratan.At the same time wind blowing on to the shore sweeps the fog inland.
Angin tersebut melakukan perjalanan di seluruh gurun angin ini membuat badai pasir yang besar hembusan pasir pertengahan sepanjang dunia terus bertiup hingga ke hutan di Amazon.As they travel across the Sahara they create the biggest of all sand storms blowing sand halfway round the world to fertilize the Amazon jungle.

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