Berurusan (to deal) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of berurusan

Present tense
I deal
Past tense
sudah berurusan
I dealt
Present perfect tense
sudah berurusan
I have dealt
Future perfect tense
akan sudah berurusan
I will have dealt
Future recent tense
berurusan nanti
I will deal
Future distant tense
berurusan kelak
I am going to deal
Present continuous tense
sedang berurusan
I deal
Past distant tense
dulu berurusan
I (a long time ago) dealt
Past recent tense
berurusan tadi
I (recently) dealt
Past very recent tense
baru saja berurusan
I (just now) dealt

Examples of berurusan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Tapi jika aku menemukanmu berurusan dengan Skitter lagi,But if I find that you've been dealing with the Skitters again,
Jangan bergerak." Statie terus berlari menyusuri jalan untuk berurusan dengan kecelakaan lain.Statie goes running' down the road to deal with the other accident.
Aku harus berurusan dengan perusahaan financial dulu di Texas.I got to deal with these co-financiers in Texas.
Mereka tidak harus berurusan dengan pasien sial.They don't have to deal with any pesky patients.
Tak perlu lagi berurusan denganku dan perusahaan lagi.Don't have to deal with me and the pink sheets anymore.

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