Dekati (to approach) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of dekati

Present tense
I approach
Past tense
sudah dekati
I approached
Present perfect tense
sudah dekati
I have approached
Future perfect tense
akan sudah dekati
I will have approached
Future recent tense
dekati nanti
I will approach
Future distant tense
dekati kelak
I am going to approach
Present continuous tense
sedang dekati
I approach
Past distant tense
dulu dekati
I (a long time ago) approached
Past recent tense
dekati tadi
I (recently) approached
Past very recent tense
baru saja dekati
I (just now) approached

Examples of dekati

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Tuhan membuat dirinya Supaya bisa kita dekati..,.. Para manusia, supaya kita bisa memahaminya.God made Himself approachable to us, human, so we could understand Him.
Nomor empat, dekati cermin.Number four, approach the mirror.
Tolong dekati jendela terdekat Dengan tangan di belakang kepalaPlease approach the nearest window with your hands clasped behind your head.
Nomor dua, dekati cermin.Number two, approach the mirror.
Tidak masalah, Ah, Ada Pengusaha2 lain yang bisa kita dekati, kau tahu?No problem. Ah, there... There are other business people we can approach, you know?

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