Gadai (to mortgage) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of gadai

Present tense
I mortgage
Past tense
sudah gadai
I mortgaged
Present perfect tense
sudah gadai
I have mortgaged
Future perfect tense
akan sudah gadai
I will have mortgaged
Future recent tense
gadai nanti
I will mortgage
Future distant tense
gadai kelak
I am going to mortgage
Present continuous tense
sedang gadai
I mortgage
Past distant tense
dulu gadai
I (a long time ago) mortgaged
Past recent tense
gadai tadi
I (recently) mortgaged
Past very recent tense
baru saja gadai
I (just now) mortgaged

Examples of gadai

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Dan.. di hanya case itu gadai janji.And... in any case its mortgaged.
Baiklah, aku butuh salinan perjanjian jual-beli, surat gadai, dan dokeman lainnya, aku akan menanganinya. / Terimakasih, Miss White.We'll need to end this here. I'm gonna need a copy of your purchase agreement, your mortgage application, and the other documentation, - and I'll be in touch.
Rekening bank, pajak, tagihan, surat gadai.Bank accounts, Inland Revenue, utility bills, mortgage.
Kau juga perlu hal-hal seperti asuransi jiwa dan asurasi kesehatan dan hal yang tidak romantis, seperti surat gadai.You also need things like life insurance and PPOs and unromantic things, like mortgages.
Lalu, Tuhan memberkati mereka, tapi dia dan ibumu meninggal, ...lalu mereka wariskan padamu sebuah rumah dengan dua surat gadai dan setumpuk tagihan rumah sakit.And then, God bless them, but he and your mother die and they leave you with a house with two mortgages and a pile of hospital bills.

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