Mampir (to stop by) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of mampir

Present tense
I stop by
Past tense
sudah mampir
I stopped by
Present perfect tense
sudah mampir
I have stopped by
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mampir
I will have stopped by
Future recent tense
mampir nanti
I will stop by
Future distant tense
mampir kelak
I am going to stop by
Present continuous tense
sedang mampir
I stop by
Past distant tense
dulu mampir
I (a long time ago) stopped by
Past recent tense
mampir tadi
I (recently) stopped by
Past very recent tense
baru saja mampir
I (just now) stopped by

Examples of mampir

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Eh, tergantung jika tanggal saya ingin mampir.Uh, depends if my date wants to stop by.
Aku pikir kau ingin mampir.Figure you want to stop by.
Aku hanya ingin mampir dan melihatnya, dan..I just wanted to stop by and see him, and...
Kau mungkin ingin mampir di trailer Bibi Marie.You might want to stop by Aunt Marie's trailer.
Mungkin kau bisa mampir untuk bebek ragu-nya jika tugasmu beres.Maybe you'll stop by for some duck ragu when you're through.

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