Melindungi (to protect) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of melindungi

Present tense
I protect
Past tense
sudah melindungi
I protected
Present perfect tense
sudah melindungi
I have protected
Future perfect tense
akan sudah melindungi
I will have protected
Future recent tense
melindungi nanti
I will protect
Future distant tense
melindungi kelak
I am going to protect
Present continuous tense
sedang melindungi
I protect
Past distant tense
dulu melindungi
I (a long time ago) protected
Past recent tense
melindungi tadi
I (recently) protected
Past very recent tense
baru saja melindungi
I (just now) protected

Examples of melindungi

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Laki2 sejati yg melindungi kedamaian di planet ini.A real man who protects peace on the planet.
Kita melindungi orang-orang.We protect people.
dan kau berada dalam bisnis Tugasmu melindungi mereka dari kepunahan.And you are in the business of protecting things against extinction.
Aku mau melindungi.I want protection.
Membuat pilihan dan melindungi sesuatu adalah hal yang sulit untuk dilakukan.Making a choice and protecting something is a difficult thing to do.

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