Meluncurkan (to launch) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of meluncurkan

Present tense
I launch
Past tense
sudah meluncurkan
I launched
Present perfect tense
sudah meluncurkan
I have launched
Future perfect tense
akan sudah meluncurkan
I will have launched
Future recent tense
meluncurkan nanti
I will launch
Future distant tense
meluncurkan kelak
I am going to launch
Present continuous tense
sedang meluncurkan
I launch
Past distant tense
dulu meluncurkan
I (a long time ago) launched
Past recent tense
meluncurkan tadi
I (recently) launched
Past very recent tense
baru saja meluncurkan
I (just now) launched

Examples of meluncurkan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Dengan thermal imaging dan designators target laser, tak berawak memungkinkan musuh Anda untuk meluncurkan serangan yang tepat sementara tinggal benar-benar anonim.With thermal imaging and laser-target designators, an unmanned drone allows your enemy to launch a precise strike while staying completely anonymous.
Saya pikir mereka pindah sejak kami meluncurkan. Timur, menuju keluar jauh dari Midway.l figure they moved east since we launched, away from Midway.
Awak kapal meluncurkan sekoci penyelamat tiga hari yg lalu.The crew launched the lifeboats three days ago.
Jadi kita harus tinggal di sini, menunggu pihak militer... untuk meluncurkan penangkalnya, baik?So we should just stay here, wait for the military - to launch its antideployment, okay?
"The Zulu, dalam jumlah besar, meluncurkan serangan berdisiplin tinggi"The Zulus, in overwhelming numbers, launched a highly disciplined attack

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