Memanggang (to roast) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of memanggang

Present tense
I roast
Past tense
sudah memanggang
I roasted
Present perfect tense
sudah memanggang
I have roasted
Future perfect tense
akan sudah memanggang
I will have roasted
Future recent tense
memanggang nanti
I will roast
Future distant tense
memanggang kelak
I am going to roast
Present continuous tense
sedang memanggang
I roast
Past distant tense
dulu memanggang
I (a long time ago) roasted
Past recent tense
memanggang tadi
I (recently) roasted
Past very recent tense
baru saja memanggang
I (just now) roasted

Examples of memanggang

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Ketika dia sadar tidak ada cukup kayu untuk memanggang domba tsb, dia memanggil Harlequin dan Punchinello lalu berkata,When he saw there was not enough wood to finish roasting it he called Harlequin and the Punchinello and said
Mereka akan memanggang marshmallow di perapian ini.They are going to roast marshmallows in this fireplace.
"siapa yang memanggang pantat anjing ini dan menyajikan kepada suami mereka?"""Who in the World Would slow roast a dog"s asshole ""and serve it to their husband?""
Kau pikir apa yang akan terjadi jika kita diserang... sementara mereka para Bubblehead.... sedang memanggang sosis di komplek mereka, hah?What the hell do you think's gonna happen if we get invaded while those bubbleheaded bastards are over there roasting wienies in their compound, huh?
Aku akan memanggang kamu!I'll roast you!

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