Memantul (to ricochet) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of memantul

Present tense
I ricochet
Past tense
sudah memantul
I ricocheted
Present perfect tense
sudah memantul
I have ricocheted
Future perfect tense
akan sudah memantul
I will have ricocheted
Future recent tense
memantul nanti
I will ricochet
Future distant tense
memantul kelak
I am going to ricochet
Present continuous tense
sedang memantul
I ricochet
Past distant tense
dulu memantul
I (a long time ago) ricocheted
Past recent tense
memantul tadi
I (recently) ricocheted
Past very recent tense
baru saja memantul
I (just now) ricocheted

Examples of memantul

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Jika kita menembak, akan memantul dari kaca dan membunuh kita.If we shoot, it'll ricochet off the glass and kill us.
[Bullets memantul][Bullets ricochet]
Kau tahu, akan jadi keberuntunganku jika pelurunya memantul dan mengenaimu dan kemudian aku punya dua kasus pembunuhan yang bersaing.You know, it would be just my luck it would ricochet and hit you and then I'd have two murders to contend with.
Maksudmu satu peluru datang menembus langit-langit, memantul dan terpental menembus kereta bawah tanah, dan kemudian secara ajaib terkena dada seorang pria begitu saja yang mana, menurut saksi, dia berjalan, berteriak-teriak,You're suggesting that a single bullet came through the skylight, ricocheted and bounced its way through the subway, and then just miraculously hit a man square in the chest... who was, according to witnesses, running, screaming,
Kalau kau meleset, pelurunya akan memantul.If you miss, the bullet will ricochet.

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