Membinasakan (to destroy) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of membinasakan

Present tense
I destroy
Past tense
sudah membinasakan
I destroyed
Present perfect tense
sudah membinasakan
I have destroyed
Future perfect tense
akan sudah membinasakan
I will have destroyed
Future recent tense
membinasakan nanti
I will destroy
Future distant tense
membinasakan kelak
I am going to destroy
Present continuous tense
sedang membinasakan
I destroy
Past distant tense
dulu membinasakan
I (a long time ago) destroyed
Past recent tense
membinasakan tadi
I (recently) destroyed
Past very recent tense
baru saja membinasakan
I (just now) destroyed

Examples of membinasakan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Dia membinasakan mereka.He destroyed them.
Ia membinasakan latar belakangku.He destroyed my backdrop.
Aku akan membinasakan kamu, Nak.I will destroy you, boy.
Untuk wabah penyakit yang tertidur dalam kegelapan, "juga untuk penyakit yang membinasakan di siang hari."For the pestilence that waketh in darkness, nor for the sickness that destroyeth in noon day."
Maka dimulailah kisah klan kami..., ...keluarga prajurit nomaden yang menjadi satu - satunya penjaga pedang itu..., ...untuk menyelamatkan manusia dari membinasakan diri.So began the story of our clan, a family of nomadic warriors dutifully charged as sole custodians of the sword, to save man from destroying himself.

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