Memercikkan (to splash) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of memercikkan

Present tense
I splash
Past tense
sudah memercikkan
I splashed
Present perfect tense
sudah memercikkan
I have splashed
Future perfect tense
akan sudah memercikkan
I will have splashed
Future recent tense
memercikkan nanti
I will splash
Future distant tense
memercikkan kelak
I am going to splash
Present continuous tense
sedang memercikkan
I splash
Past distant tense
dulu memercikkan
I (a long time ago) splashed
Past recent tense
memercikkan tadi
I (recently) splashed
Past very recent tense
baru saja memercikkan
I (just now) splashed

Examples of memercikkan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Kau berani memercikkan anggur ke diriku?You dare to splash me the wine? !
Coba jangan terlalu memercikkan air.Try not to splash too much.
Kau pikir kau cuma hanya.. memercikkan cat dan mengatur ulang perabotan, lalu semuanya baik-baik saja.You think you can just splash up some paint and rearrange the furniture, and everything will be all right.
Ini adalah lagu pendek kecil memercikkan tentang beberapa orang yang terdampar tanpa dayung di lautan darah.It's a splashing little ditty about some people who are left stranded without a paddle on a sea of blood.
Mereka memercikkan kita.They splashed us.

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