Memperingati (to commemorate) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of memperingati

Present tense
I commemorate
Past tense
sudah memperingati
I commemorated
Present perfect tense
sudah memperingati
I have commemorated
Future perfect tense
akan sudah memperingati
I will have commemorated
Future recent tense
memperingati nanti
I will commemorate
Future distant tense
memperingati kelak
I am going to commemorate
Present continuous tense
sedang memperingati
I commemorate
Past distant tense
dulu memperingati
I (a long time ago) commemorated
Past recent tense
memperingati tadi
I (recently) commemorated
Past very recent tense
baru saja memperingati
I (just now) commemorated

Examples of memperingati

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Film ini untuk memperingati kelahiran dan pemulihan kembali kota besar Tangshan"this film commemorates the rebirth and restoration of a great city
Hadiah memperingati kembalinya dirimu.A gift to commemorate your return.
Untuk memperingati semangat Huo Yuenjia.To commemorate Huo Yuenjia's spirit. Inscribed by Sun Zhongshan, Father of the nation
[Sampai saat ini aku belum bisa memberikan apapun untukmu, tapi aku mengirimkan Kimono ini untuk memperingati upacara ini.][I couldn't do anything for you until now, but I'm sending you a Kimono to commemorate this occasion.]
Presiden Irak al-Sadr berada di tangan untuk memperingati kesempatan dan memuji Sunni, Syi'ah, Kurdi dan Turkoman...Iraqi President al-Sadr was on hand to commemorate the occasion and praised Sunni, Shiah, Kurd and Turkoman...

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