Mempraktekkan (to practice) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of mempraktekkan

Present tense
I practice
Past tense
sudah mempraktekkan
I practiced
Present perfect tense
sudah mempraktekkan
I have practiced
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mempraktekkan
I will have practiced
Future recent tense
mempraktekkan nanti
I will practice
Future distant tense
mempraktekkan kelak
I am going to practice
Present continuous tense
sedang mempraktekkan
I practice
Past distant tense
dulu mempraktekkan
I (a long time ago) practiced
Past recent tense
mempraktekkan tadi
I (recently) practiced
Past very recent tense
baru saja mempraktekkan
I (just now) practiced

Examples of mempraktekkan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Dia pergi mencari seseorang di Suku Air Selatan, yang tinggal jauh dari jangkauan kita dan secara terbuka mempraktekkan Pengendalian Air.He's gone to seek out someone in the Northern Water Tribe, where they have lived beyond our reach and openly practice Waterbending.
Seperti halnya kita mempraktekkan berlatih.Just like we practiced.
Kau sudah memesan hotel... mempraktekkan suara desahan... saat kau dan Tommy bercinta.You already booked the hotel, already practiced the sounds you're going to make when you and Tommy make love. (PANTING)
- Aku mempraktekkan pada hamsterku.- Thanks. l practiced on my hamster.
Says usus Anda, dan saya tidak mempraktekkan hukum berdasarkan usus Anda.Says your gut, and I don't practice law based on your gut.

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