Menarik diri (to withdraw) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menarik diri

Present tense
menarik diri
I withdraw
Past tense
sudah menarik diri
I withdrew
Present perfect tense
sudah menarik diri
I have withdrawn
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menarik diri
I will have withdrawn
Future recent tense
menarik diri nanti
I will withdraw
Future distant tense
menarik diri kelak
I am going to withdraw
Present continuous tense
sedang menarik diri
I withdraw
Past distant tense
dulu menarik diri
I (a long time ago) withdrew
Past recent tense
menarik diri tadi
I (recently) withdrew
Past very recent tense
baru saja menarik diri
I (just now) withdrew

Examples of menarik diri

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Nah, jika Jepang tidak menarik diri dari Cina segera Roosevelt mengancam untuk mendapatkan tangan kotor.Well, if Japan doesn't withdraw from China soon Roosevelt's threatened to get his hands dirty.
kau mau menarik diri dari keduniawian untuk kebaikan.You're about to withdraw from the world for good.
Datang kemari sekitar 9 bulan lalu, pemarah dan menarik diri.Arrived here about nine months ago angry and withdrawn.
Itulah alasan dia begitu diam dan menarik diri.That's why she's been so quiet and withdrawn.
Meskipun adanya permintaan dari Amerika Serikat dan Eropa untuk menarik diri, Daerah Ossetia Selatan dan Abkhazia masih diduduki Oleh tentara Rusia.Despite demands from Europe and the United States to withdraw, the regions of South Ossetia and Abkhazia remain occupied by Russian forces.

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