Mendayung (to row) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of mendayung

Present tense
I row
Past tense
sudah mendayung
I rowed
Present perfect tense
sudah mendayung
I have rowed
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mendayung
I will have rowed
Future recent tense
mendayung nanti
I will row
Future distant tense
mendayung kelak
I am going to row
Present continuous tense
sedang mendayung
I row
Past distant tense
dulu mendayung
I (a long time ago) rowed
Past recent tense
mendayung tadi
I (recently) rowed
Past very recent tense
baru saja mendayung
I (just now) rowed

Examples of mendayung

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Dan beberapa saat yang lalu, kamu bilang kamu suka orang yang mendayung berkelompok. jadi aku kira kamu sudah pernah bertemu satu.And a second ago, you said you like guys who row crew so I assumed you had met one.
Ya, kita harus menurunkan layar, kemudian kita harus mendayung.Yes, we have to take the sail down, and then we must row.
Lepas pengikatnya, bersiaplah untuk mendayung !Men the row boats! Throw the sailer and prepare to go out.
Banyak hal hebat di San Down Bay, mendayung, berlayar, dan semua olahraga air.[ Announcer ] There's a great to-do in San Down Bay, with rowing and sailing, and no end of sport for every water baby.
- Ter, terus mendayung.- Ter, keep rowing.

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