Menenggelamkan (to drown) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menenggelamkan

Present tense
I drown
Past tense
sudah menenggelamkan
I drowned
Present perfect tense
sudah menenggelamkan
I have drowned
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menenggelamkan
I will have drowned
Future recent tense
menenggelamkan nanti
I will drown
Future distant tense
menenggelamkan kelak
I am going to drown
Present continuous tense
sedang menenggelamkan
I drown
Past distant tense
dulu menenggelamkan
I (a long time ago) drowned
Past recent tense
menenggelamkan tadi
I (recently) drowned
Past very recent tense
baru saja menenggelamkan
I (just now) drowned

Examples of menenggelamkan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Ya, ini dari bonniefan23, tapi aku harus menebak... ♪ Mencoba menenggelamkan memori kita malam ini ♪Well, it's from BonnieFan23, but if I had to guess... ♪ Try drowning all our memories tonight ♪
Jangan untuk menenggelamkan angsa Untuk kameraNever to drown the goose For the cameras
l berarti, Shelley menenggelamkan, dan [yang] [adalah] jeritan suara saya.l mean, Shelley drowned, and that was my voice screaming.
Ya, Leann mengatakan saya hal sama terjadi ke/pada Shelley sebelum dia menenggelamkan.Yeah, Leann told me the same thing happened to Shelley before she drowned.
Son , aku pikir Anda harus menenggelamkan diri .Son, l think you should drown yourself.

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