Menerobos (to break through) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of menerobos

Present tense
I break through
Past tense
sudah menerobos
I broke through
Present perfect tense
sudah menerobos
I have broken through
Future perfect tense
akan sudah menerobos
I will have broken through
Future recent tense
menerobos nanti
I will break through
Future distant tense
menerobos kelak
I am going to break through
Present continuous tense
sedang menerobos
I break through
Past distant tense
dulu menerobos
I (a long time ago) broke through
Past recent tense
menerobos tadi
I (recently) broke through
Past very recent tense
baru saja menerobos
I (just now) broke through

Examples of menerobos

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Gelombangradiasimatahari dengan intensitasnya berkisar... antaralevelempathinggalima akan menerobos mesosfer. Selamadelapanjampertamahari ini.Waves of solar radiation with an intensity ranging from four to five will break through the mesosphere during the first eight hours of today.
Kami menerobos pada cahaya pertama.We break through at first light.
Kita harus menerobos dua dinding, satu beton dan satu kaca dan melakukannya tanpa suara.We have to break through two walls-- one concrete, one glass-- and do it without making a sound.
# Terlalu tinggi untuk mendaki Terlalu sulit untuk menerobos #Too high to climb Too hard to break through
Kami menemukan sinyal di tempatmu, namun kami tidak menemukan adanya alat komunikasi di tubuhmu, apalagi sesuatu dengan tenaga pemrosesan... Untuk menerobos firewall enkripsi helio.We sourced the signal to you, yet we found no communication equipment on your person, let alone something with the processing power to break through a helio-encrypted firewall.

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