Mengasosiasikan (to associate) conjugation

4 examples

Conjugation of mengasosiasikan

Present tense
I associate
Past tense
sudah mengasosiasikan
I associated
Present perfect tense
sudah mengasosiasikan
I have associated
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mengasosiasikan
I will have associated
Future recent tense
mengasosiasikan nanti
I will associate
Future distant tense
mengasosiasikan kelak
I am going to associate
Present continuous tense
sedang mengasosiasikan
I associate
Past distant tense
dulu mengasosiasikan
I (a long time ago) associated
Past recent tense
mengasosiasikan tadi
I (recently) associated
Past very recent tense
baru saja mengasosiasikan
I (just now) associated

Examples of mengasosiasikan

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Dia I.R.A. Dan mantan mengasosiasikan Michael Cahill .He's Ira and a former associate of Michael Cahill.
Sonia mengasosiasikan kamu Bern telah mengangkat harga pada toko mengetuk miliknya.Your associate Sonia Bern has raised prices at that knocking shop of hers.
Dan semua orang mengasosiasikan ini sebagai arena... pembantaian nantinya.And everybody associated with it should be hauled into court and prosecuted after.
Harold, aku menelepon Anda untuk dua malam, dan Anda belum menjawab telepon selular, yang benar-benar lucu, karena Anda mengasosiasikan tahun pertama, yang cukup beruntung untuk bekerja di sini di Pearson / Hardman Jadi, ketika Anda harus mendapatkan harus terusHarold, I called you two nights ago, and you didn't answer your phone, which is really funny, because you're a first-year associate, who's lucky enough to be working here at Pearson/Hardroao, so, when I need to get a hold of you,

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