Mengelilingi (to surround) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of mengelilingi

Present tense
I surround
Past tense
sudah mengelilingi
I surrounded
Present perfect tense
sudah mengelilingi
I have surrounded
Future perfect tense
akan sudah mengelilingi
I will have surrounded
Future recent tense
mengelilingi nanti
I will surround
Future distant tense
mengelilingi kelak
I am going to surround
Present continuous tense
sedang mengelilingi
I surround
Past distant tense
dulu mengelilingi
I (a long time ago) surrounded
Past recent tense
mengelilingi tadi
I (recently) surrounded
Past very recent tense
baru saja mengelilingi
I (just now) surrounded

Examples of mengelilingi

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Tim kami telah mengelilingi seluruh bank.Our team had the entire bank surrounded.
Kasauli Tigers bergerak maju, mengoper bola pada rekan yang lain mereka mengelilingi lawan tapi anak tersebut terbang ke depan menangkap bola dan mengopernya pada Rohit Mehra dan Rohit Mehra menambah skor lagi!The Kasauli Tigers move forward, passing the ball to each other... they are surrounding the opponents... but this boy flies ahead, picks up the ball passes it to Rohit Mehra... and Rohit Mehra scores another basket!
Kau membuat mereka terkonsentrasi pada satu lokasi... kau mengelilingi mereka, dan kemudian kau menyerang... dengan setiap senjata yang kau mau... sampai mereka semua mati.You get them concentrated in one location, you surround them, and then you attack with every weapon at your disposal until every one of them is dead.
Kami mengambil semua jembatan dan terowongan yang mengelilingi kota, secara efektif penyegelnya lepas, kemudian mengantarkan daya muatannya, serangkaian bahan peledak bahan bakar udara diledakkan di atas pulau.We take out all bridges and tunnels surrounding the city, effectively sealing it off, then deliver the payload, a series of fuel-air explosives detonated over the island.
Kami akan memindahkan Flairies 'Glitterizer ke studio, kami akan mengelilingi Anda dengan inspirasi, dan kemudian, kita akan tiba di kota.We'll move the Flairies' Glitterizer into the studio, we'll surround you with inspiration, and then, we'll hit the town.

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